EP #044: Why do a retreat?

Raw Lasagna for 2-4 people

By Chef Arminda White Macadamia Nut Ricotta 1 c Macadamia Nuts (soaked) 2 Tbs Lemon Juice 2 Tbs Olive Oil 1 Tbs Nutritional Yeast 2 cloves Garlic ¼ Tsp Salt Plenty of fresh herbs of your choice (Dill, parsley, chives) Put all ingredients in food processor and process until consistency like ricotta, leaving it slightly […]

Juice fast detox retreat South-Kona Hawaii


SPECIAL SPRING CLEANSE 2024 HILO/KONA HI When you take less than 1200 calories per day your body pulls on its toxin laden fat reserves to produce energy. While fat is recycled and used in this energy production process, toxins are discarded and eliminated through the kidneys liver and skin. Toxin accumulation is one of the […]