
Create Your Own Miracle

Eight simple steps

Want to create your own miracle? Want to attract only good things into your life?

To help get you started on the path of creating your own miracle, here are 8 simple steps…

Be very clear

You need to be very clear about the miracle you desire – about the good you want in your world. As you clearly visualize or imagine your miracle, focus only on the end result of what you want, not the means by which it comes about. Let the “how” be up to the Infinite Intelligence that’s working for you in response to your thinking.

Expect the best

We tend to attract that which we love, fear, or steadily expect. So expect the best, even when negative circumstances appear — in fact, especially when they appear. When we expect less than what we want, we get less than what we want. Remind yourself that you do deserve the good you desire. You deserve it by the right of your very existence. Consciously and consistently expect that everything is working to your greatest and highest good.

Let go of fear

Fear is faith in something negative. Be watchful about your thinking. Your thoughts magnetically attract others like themselves. When you think negatively, your mind will go on a stream-of-consciousness journey into all sorts of related realms of negativity until you consciously stop yourself. All of this will block your miracle. Of course, you can’t eliminate every single negative thought for the rest of your life. But all you need is 51% faith and your life will begin to turn in the right direction. When you realize this truth, you will begin to feel empowered, and your faith will become more and more self-generating.

Open your mind to all possibilities

When we open to a greater flow of Universal Power and Intelligence in our world, we also need to let go of the way we want it. Although miracles always unfold in a very natural manner, they often come through unexpectedchannels. Whenever we hold tight, mentally or physically, to having things unfold “our way,” we run the risk of delaying our good, diminishing it or even blocking it all together. “What” is up to you. “How” is up to Spirit.

See yourself as you want to be

If you desire health, you need to see yourself healthy and filled with energy and enthusiasm for life. If you desire abundance, you need to see yourself enjoying an abundant lifestyle. And so forth. This does not mean living in a state of denial. On the contrary, you are clear about the facts of your present situation and handle what needs to be handled. But while you are doing all of this, your thinking about where you are headed is focused on what you want, not on what you don’t want or where you are today.

Keep the power

Don’t talk about it. Keep your miracle secret. To share it prematurely is to dissipate some of the Power of your idea. Further, a negative or envious person will contribute a certain amount of negative energy, either spoken or unspoken, around your idea. The integrity of the relationship between you and Spirit with respect to the unfoldment of your miracle must not be violated. Wait until it is absolutely necessary to share your idea in order for it to continue unfolding. Even then, share as little as possible with as few people as possible.

Do what needs to be done by you

Through the Law of Attraction, many good things move into our lives,apparently unbidden. But almost always, there are things that you need to do and choices you need to make. When you are very clear about what it is you want or need, your mind becomes calm and focused. This, in turn, provides a clear channel for the guidance and direction you need in making your choices and decisions about what to do–whether it’s choosing the right doctor or taking the right job.

Pray. Pray often. Prayer works

Prayer is effective whether we’re praying for ourselves, praying for others, or being prayed for by others. You don’t have to be religious for your prayers to be effective. A few suggestions:

  • Pray at a time and in a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed.
  • Allow yourself to feel empathy, love, and compassion for yourself or for whomever you are praying.
  • Pray with a complete expectation that your prayer is being answered and that the desired result is right now in the process of manifestation.
  • After you pray, “let go and let Good.” At that point, your job in the creative process is complete. Your continuing work is to guard your thinking. Creatively praying several times a day is a major key to success in obtaining your desires.

from the blog Eight steps to bringing wonderful experiences into your life

by M. C. Rann and E. R. Arrott

The Vital Stroke. Aging and Vitality

I was savoring some well-deserved pupus on the ocean front lanai of the Royal Kona hotel this Saturday afternoon after the 18 miles Liliuokali race, watching the ocean and waiting for the first iron kane canoes to appear on the horizon. I could not believe my eyes but the water sprinkled with dots, two or three well ahead of some other much smaller dots. It was too early, I thought, to be our paddlers. Just about an hour and a ½ had elapsed from their departure time! But sure enough I was them! I continued staring in the direction of Kealakekua and now I could see clearly the 2 back dots taking the form of canoes. I wished I had binoculars to see the details of what was happening with the 2 first canoes. Short of having binoculars, I decided to get the most out of the experience on the level that I could. It became a great revelation. I received a clear message of energy and vitality. As the canoes were getting closer I could see the men paddling fast and hard as if they were paddling for a short distance race and they already had about 15 miles in their arms. They were giving all they had in their heart in the form of power, for the sake of racing. I was moved to tears.

This experience was so strong that I wanted to share it with our makule paddlers. I took a walk to the Kamehameha hotel to the outdoor award site, curious to observe the winners of the race and eager to share my experience with my team. I told the story to one of our paddlers. I told her how impressed I was with the speed and wholeness of the paddling team and she commented “ Yes but they are young”

This comment made me think: Is vitality the attribute of youth only and does it get lost inevitably with aging or can it be retained?

YES vitality can be cultivated!

Here are the ways that you can support a vital body:

Nutrition, exercise and positive thinking

Exercise, we got it, we all love it. Exercise is what is bonding us. Paddling! But this is only one part of the package. You also got to eat live foods

Live foods are as important as exercise to maintain the life force. We restore the damages done to our bodies with food and water. Food is more than what it taste like. Food is needed to repair properly the daily damage from time. Our body will use whatever we give it to do the job. Our body and brain is programed to eat food from the earth, whole foods not processed foods. The more live food the body/brain receives the better the repair job and the more lively and awaken we will feel.

Please make an effort to eliminate toxic foods from your life: processed food, dead food and non-food substances.

The next fundamental factor is how you think. You must think positively. If you think that aging is an illness that cannot be avoided, the corners of your lips are going to go down. I once had a patient who was exercising her upper lip muscles and I inquired: what was she doing? She explained that as we aged the corners of our mouth tend to look down and she strengthening the upper muscle of her lips to have a youthful smile and look. Certainly she was concerned about her appearance but the sagging upper lips is also a reflection of how we feel inside and making a conscious effort to fight gravity helps to uplift our feelings.

Gravity may create damage on many body parts. While the vital energy is the strongest at birth it does not take much effort to maintain it earlier in life. However, while growing old, it takes individual awareness and effort to maintain this vitality as long as possible. Cosmetic surgery will not do it. It may lure the other but not yourself. It takes effort and all effort is rewarding. Conserving vitality is an important component of happiness.

Please think positive. There is no limit to the power and creativity of the human mind. We can all have a vital stroke regardless of our age! This is not a matter of technique, it is a matter of believing that we have enthusiasm, passion and strength and our stroke will have the vitality of a 20 year old.

The source of a vital stroke is a vital mind and a vital body grown with real food, exercise and positive thinking .

by Maya Nicole Baylac N.D.