Breathwork Meditation
We increase oxygenation in various ways. First through deep breathing, which is the first step to oxygenation. Many people have a shallow way of breathing without knowing it, because breathing is an automatic and unconscious function of the body. Breathing is susceptible to being altered by our emotions and thoughts. In particular, there is a learnt reflex from early on in life, to contract the diaphragm and stop breathing when we do not want to experience a painful feeling. Repetition of such a behavior eventually freezes the diaphragm in a contracted position reducing the amount of air taken in. The end result is the inability to feel any feeling, whether it be pleasant or unpleasant.
However, since breathing can also be a conscious function, we can reverse the damage from our conditioning with deep breathing. We are taking advantage of this ability to alter the breathing and we use it for deep therapies such as Reichian breathwork to unlock the doors of the unconscious, or for simple breathing techniques that can be continued at home. Often, in Reichian breathwork, old memories of traumas or abuse come to the surface, or the life force running through the body is experienced for the first time in all its strength. We also teach another form of breathing for meditation, observation of belly breathing, as in vipassana sitting meditation and progressive relaxation.
Another way to increase oxygenation is to increase the oxygen supply available through the skin with a hydrogen peroxide bath.
The Hydrogen Peroxide Bath
Hydrogen or H2O2 is a highly oxidizing agent. It contains one more atom of oxygen than water (H20). By now, everyone is aware of the ozone layer that surrounds the earth. Ozone consists of three atoms of oxygen (03). This protective layer of ozone is created when ultraviolet light from the sun splits an atmospheric oxygen molecule (02) into two single, unstable oxygen atoms. These single molecules combine with others to form ozone (03). Ozone isn’t very stable. In fact, it will quickly give up that extra atom of oxygen to falling rainwater to form hydrogen peroxide (H202). (Bear with me: all this chemistry mumbo jumbo I’m going through actually will help you understand the importance of hydrogen peroxide.) H2O2 decomposes into a water molecule and oxygen gas molecule providing extra oxygen to the body.
The hot hydrogen peroxide bath combines high body temperature, no higher than 103°F, with oxygen therapy. The bath contains filtered water and 1½ cups of 35% hydrogen peroxide. A bath session last about 30 minutes until the patient reaches the maximum temperature then he or she is maintained at this optimal temperature as long as possible. Research has shown that hyperthermia(an elevated body temperature) can damage and kill cancer cells. The cancer society says that hyperthermia can shrink tumors when used with other treatments and decrease the cancer toxic load. Oxygen is absorbed through the skin and transported to the tissues. Increased oxygenation contributes to cancer regression.
Hyperthermia consist of creating an artificial fever. We bring the body to a temperature of 103°F and maintain this elevated temperature for as long as possible. Hyperthermia destroys cancer cells while normal cells resist the damage of high heat. Hyperthermia is also used in conjunction with conventional cancer treatments to make conventional treatments more effective.

Our comprehensive alternative cancer treatment program includes five hydrogen peroxide baths/hyperthermia treatments per week. These are followed by castor oil pack treatments to assist with detoxification and elimination of dead cells and tissues. All this takes place in a beautiful, tranquil outdoor setting.
What the American cancer society says about whole body hyperthermia:
Whole-Body Hyperthermia
“Whole-body heating is being studied as a way to make chemotherapy work better in treating cancer that has spread (metastatic cancer). Body temperature can be raised by using warm-water blankets, warm-water immersion (putting the patient in warm water), inductive coils (like those in electric blankets), or thermal chambers (much like large incubators). The body temperature may be raised to about the level a person would have if they had a fever, which is sometimes called fever-range hyperthermia. A few studies take the body temperature higher, around 107° F, for short periods of time. At least one human study suggests that this may cause certain immune cells to become more active for the next few hours. Other studies are testing hyperthermia and chemotherapy along with other treatments that are designed to boost the activity of the person’s immune system. (See our document called Immunotherapy for more information.)”
Oxygenation at the cellular level: Essential Fatty Acids
Otto Warburg’s theory about essential fatty acids is very interesting and reinforces and reconfirms the validity of similar approaches from Johanna Budwig, Dr. Max Gerson, Dr. Catherine Kousmine.
Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1931 for his discovery of the oxygen-transferring enzyme of cell respiration, and was earned a second Nobel Prize in 1944 for his discovery of the active groups of the hydrogen transferring enzymes. Otto developed a way of measuring the oxygen pressure inside tissue cells and the degree of drop in pressure (35%) which permitted cancer to begin.
Cancer, above all other diseases, has countless secondary causes. But, even for cancer, there is only one prime cause. Summarized in a few words, the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar. All normal body cells meet their energy needs by respiration of oxygen, whereas cancer cells meet their energy needs in great part by fermentation.
According to Otto Warburg, low oxygen levels in cells are due to inadequate levels of essential fatty acids in the cell membrane. Essental fatty acids found in flax oil or fish oil, act as ‘oxygen magnets’, which attract the oxygen in the bloodstream and pull it through the membrane into the cell. Until the right levels and ratio of vibrant undamaged essential fatty acids are present, the oxygen from the blood stream will not penetrate the cell.

Our comprehensive cancer treatment program supports oxygenation through the use of ample quantities of flax seed oil at meals as is part of the Gerson diet. Our chefs prepare several varieties of flaxseed oil dressings to ensure flavor and satisfaction. We encourage you to learn our way of preparing foods including proper storage of flaxseed oil, choosing a good quality oil, essential flaxseed oil preparations and dressings to implement the program successfully at home.
Rebounder Exercise
The last but not the least important step in oxygenation is that the oxygen needs to be carried around the body adequately. This requires excellent blood circulation. Gentle exercise and in particular the rebounder is important in this second step.

Spend a few minutes each day gently bouncing on the mini-trampoline while overlooking the garden. This is an important part of the program to assist with carrying oxygen to your cells.
Article Resources:
Hyperthemia spurs hope in US advocates