Colon Hydrotherapy Benefits and Results
Colon hydrotherapy or colonic irrigation is a treatment that introduces warm water into the large intestine releasing stagnant waste material, toxins and intestinal plaque. Sometimes this treatment will involve the use of herbs. Herbal colon cleanser formulas can serve as a laxative, absorbing and drawing out toxins, poisons, and heavy metals such as mercury and lead. Colon hydrotherapy is useful for general detoxification and relief of toxin-related ailments and illnesses. It is performed in order to eliminate wastes that have accumulated in the colon from the use of processed foods or drugs. It promotes a better functioning colon. Colon hydrotherapy can relieve a score of ailments including gas, bloating, constipation, skin disorders, depression, insomnia, and headaches. It is a safe, effective method of removing waste from the large intestine without the use of drugs.
Colon hydrotherapy consists of introducing large amounts of water in the rectum. A sterile tube is inserted approximately two inches into the anal canal, and used only once. Attached to the tube for the inflow of water is a waste hose for the waste colon contents. As the colon fills up with water the peristaltic movements forces the water out eliminating waste material to a drain line. What is eliminated is visible through a sealed, clear viewing tube.
What Are Colonic Implants?
An implant is a concentrated mixture of herbs or other substance that is inserted into the colon at the end of a colon hydrotherapy session. The implant is held for a number of minutes and then expelled. We offer wheatgrass implants, probiotic implants, chamomile and anti-parasitic herbal implants.
Colonics have a different function from enemas. They send water through the entire large intestine/colon, stimulate peristaltic movement notifying the colon to cleanse the bowels. Enemas work on only the lower part of the descending colon, sigmoid colon and the rectum.
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Colon Hydrotherapy Corrects Constipation
Under my supervision for the past year-and-a-half they have been rendering care for constipation, abdominal cramps, allergies, and a variety of other conditions, including ten patients with hepatitis C. These hepatitis patients respond to colon hydrotherapy and do well,” assures Dr. Sharma.
“Colon hydrotherapy is excellent as a treatment for the yeast syndrome. Undergoing a session of colon hydrotherapy has you experiencing comfort and cleansing with no toxicity. Techniques utilized allow a small amount of water to flow into the colon gently stimulating the colon’s natural peristaltic action to release softened waste,” Dr. Gerber advises. The removal of such waste encourages better colon function and elimination colon hydrotherapy as a safe, effective method of removing waste from the large intestine, without the use of drugs. By introducing pure, filtered and temperature-regulated water into the colon, the human waste is softened and loosened, resulting in evacuation through natural peristalsis. This flushing process usually is repeated a few times during a therapeutic session.
Colon hydrotherapy is best used in combination with adequate nutrient and fluid intake as well as with exercise. The modern and sophisticated technology applied today, manufactured through compliance with strict FDA guidelines, promotes both safety and sanitation of the procedure.
Dr. Pamela Whitney advises, “What we eat, the processed foods such as breads, pastas, sugars, and refined deserts hit the gastrointestinal tract like a glue which becomes nearly indigestible. A prime source of allergies to wheat and other flour products is this flour made into a kind of mucilage by being mixed with saliva. This glue-like substance sticks on the walls of one’s GI tract to slow down the individual’s metabolic rate. Thereafter, constipation with inflammation can develop, but colon hydrotherapy solves such a problem.” As is obvious, Dr. Pamela Whitney is a great advocate. “Frequently while performing colonoscopy, I see that the patient is cleaned out from above but below the diverticula still contain fecaliths, those small turds remaining in pockets formed on the gut mucosa. They indicate the presence of an unhealthy colon, and over 50 percent of Americans possess diverticulosis colae. When inflamed, gastroenterologists called them diverticulitis colae, which can be serious by creating fistulas. Some people then will poop through their bladders. Some women actually poop through the vagina. “For some patients with chronic constipation or extensive yeast problems, colon hydrotherapy works advantageously to get rid of the physical load of pathology in the gastrointestinal tract. This treatment stimulates the liver and gets rid of the debris that’s sticking to the mucosa. “Colon hydrotherapy is an excellent detoxifier for the overindulgence of alcohol drinking and drug addictions of all kinds. Residues of drugs and other agents in the tissues are eliminated with colon hydrotherapy,” states Dr. James P. Carter. “It takes away any desire to use drugs or imbibe in alcoholic beverages. Colon hydrotherapy should be part of nearly any addict’s therapeutic regimen.”
Cancer Patients Improve from Receiving Colon Treatment
“I have found over the years that cancer patients who are not doing well usually are toxic and not being cleansed. They certainly are in need of colon hydrotherapy,” advises oncologist and homeopath Douglas Brodie, MD, of Reno,
Nevada. Dr. Brodie has developed CAM methods for treating cancer and other degenerative diseases aimed at strengthening the immune system. He emphasizes natural and humane approaches to these conditions with colon hydrotherapy being among them. “I do recommend that most of my cancer patients take colon hydrotherapy or ‘colonic irrigations’ because they often improve by having such treatment. Liver cancer in particular shows benefit from colon hydrotherapy, but any internal tumors show effectual change too,” Dr. Brodie says.
* Townsend Letter Article by Morton Walker, DPM; August / September 2000
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