Testing pre-arrival and initial visit

Routine blood work is performed – CMP, CBC. Testing is done to rule out co-infection with hepatitis B or HIV. Hepatitis C antibodies and viral load is evaluated. Vitamin D levels are checked for immune health. GGT detects injury or blockage of bile ducts. Serum ferritin can be elevated in fatty liver disease. FibroSur testing may be performed to evaluate the status of the liver. A urinalysis is done to look for evidence of urobilinogen in the urine, which could indicate liver disease. Alfa-fetoprotein is run as a marker for liver cancer. Imaging may be requested based on the individual patient.


We are exposed daily to a huge amount of toxins in our environment and in our food. It is important to have the liver’s detoxification pathways working at their optimal level. The goal is to prevent further damage to an already inflamed liver. Detoxification is accomplished through a raw food diet, green juices, detox tea, daily coffee enemas, infrared sauna, castor oil packs, and supplementation.


A raw food diet has been found to work well with hepatitis patients. Everything that you eat and drink has to pass through the liver, therefore it is important to follow a clean diet to eliminate any extra stress on the liver. The green juices and raw green vegetables aid in rebuilding the liver. All sugar is eliminated, as sugar is known to feed the virus. Coconut oil is used in some recipes because it is a medium chain fat that is easy to digest and it is also an anti-viral and anti-fungal. Double filtered water is provided. Tap water may contain chlorine, fluoride, and other chemicals that the liver is unable to process. We also offer the Gerson diet that can be used for chronic disease. Read about the Gerson diet and nutritional approach.


Supplement regimen will include anti viral herbs for liver support and healing, gut health, boost immune system, antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, and support liver detoxification pathways. Some examples include: Milk thistle, DGL (Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice Root Extract) garlic, lauricidin, Zinc, selenium, ALA vitamin C, turmeric, olive leaf, green tea extract, L-carnitine, taurine, phosphatidyl-choline, probiotics, fish oil, ox bile, artichoke extract, boswelia, quercitin.

Nutritional IV therapy

Antiviral protocol, ALA (alpha-lipoic acid), phosphatidylcholine, Meyer’s cocktail, glutathione, and vitamin C.

Exercise therapy

A daily exercise program is helpful in keeping weight down, increasing appetite, boosting the immune system and improving one’s sense of well being.

Recreational therapy

Swimming, snorkeling, biking, hiking, art, and other creative and healthy ways to spend your day.


Lifestyle changes are reinforced and healthful eating choices and habits are discussed.

Sleep and Rest

A restful night of sleep is important for restoring the body. Outdoor hammocks are available to provide relaxation while listening to the sounds of nature and enjoying the tropical breeze.

Mind body therapies

Introspection and journaling – provides an outlet for writing your feelings and experiences of dealing with chronic illness.Meditation – one of the oldest methods of healing that benefits the musculoskeletal, circulatory, lymphatic and nervous systems. Promotes a deep state of relaxation while silencing the “chatter””inside your mind.

Yoga – increase flexibility and strength while reducing stress.

Reichian Breathwork – achieves a sense of peace and calm, while focusing only on the breath. This breathing therapy opens the gates of the unconscious, allowing to discover and release the blockages.

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) – uses the Ancient Chinese meridian system. Tapping on these points releases stored emotional blockages that have been created by past traumas or negative experiences.

Laughter therapy – Our mood affects our immune system. Candace Pert‘s book “Molecules of Emotion” talks about the biochemistry between the molecules in our body and our emotions. Norman Cousins had long discovered that 15 minutes of laughter per day brought him 2 hours of pain relief.

.Massage Therapy – good for the nervous system, circulation and muscles. Promotes relaxation.

Gestalt Therapy – brings greater awareness through interactive observations.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy – helps to understand thoughts and feelings that influence behavior, in order to view challenging situations more clearly in order to respond more effectively.

The Work of Byron Katie – identifies and questions the thoughts that cause anger, fear, depression and addiction.Watsu – promotes a deep state of relaxation, changing the autonomic nervous system physiological responses to stress. Aquatic therapy also enhances the immune response.

Acupuncture – restores and maintains health through the stimulation of specific points on the body by inserting tiny needles through the skin. It restores the balance of qi or vital energy circulating through the body.