Two Week Candida Detox and Treatment Program

Our Two Week Candida Detox and Treatment Program is designed to eliminate candida overgrowth permanently. It boosts the immune system with live foods and a positive mental attitude as well as destroys candida by creating an unfriendly environment in the guts through acidification of the pH with vitamin C, caprylic acid, coconut and beneficial bacteria secreting acidic products.

Our program includes:

  • A specific anti-candida diet and herbal supplements to starve the fungus
  • Beneficial bacteria and fungi to crowd and replace the pathological fungus
  • Detoxification treatments to support the organs with elimination of fungus and balance the intestinal flora
  • Lifestyle counseling to ease the transition and make a successful integration at home
  • Psychotherapy to address any emotional issues that may have contributed to the problem

Our detox program is designed to restore your mental, emotional and mental health.

1. Assessment: Testing, Questionnaire and Physical Exam


The Candida questionnaire is completed and the Comprehensive Stool Analysis with Parasitology is taken. We recommend that you take the Comprehensive Stool Analysis with parasitology from Doctor’s Data. In addition to reconfirming the presence of candida overgrowth, this test will give us an indication of the health status of the pancreas, the small intestine and the large intestine microflora, revealing possible infections by parasites or pathological bacteria. Other tests may be ordered upon request. These may include Elisa Candida antibody test and/or Organic Acid test. Robert Harrison’s simple Candida home test may be done at home.


Physical exam is performed. Inspection for red areas under armpits, around bra lines, around anus or genitalia. Nails are examined for thickening and discoloration.

2. Anti-Candida Diet: Raw Food Diet

  • A raw food diet is high in vitamins, enzymes, minerals and fibers and low in starch. Proteins come from fresh coconuts, other nuts and seeds
  • The raw food diet is modified for anti-candida diet requirements
  • Includes delicious, fresh, vegan, organic, raw vegetables three times per day. Coconut water and coconut meat. Stevia may be used as a sweetener if necessary.
  • Nuts are soaked and sprouted or are freshly extracted from their shells.
  • Excludes all types of concentrated sugar such as honey, sucanat, maple syrup, agave and fruits except for grapefruit and apples. All fermented foods including vinegar and yeast containing products.
  • 4 Green Juices a day
  • Naturally fermented and cultured foods are incorporated in the dietary as well as medicinal foods for candida

3. Daily Coconut Oil Treatment

Coconut oil treatment consists of 1 teaspoon of organic, virgin, cold-processed, coconut oil on day one. Each day we increase this amount by 1 teaspoon until the amount of 1 tablespoon, 3 times per day is reached.

4. Detoxification

5. IV Therapy

Nutritional IV’s will be important in particular in systemic candida infections. Nutrients such as Glutathione will insure an efficient detoxification by the liver from the many toxins secreted by the fungus. Vitamin C will help in acidification of the guts.

6. Exercise

Gentle exercise has many health benefits in a candida detox program. It helps to fight fatigue and brain fog by oxygenating the brain. It increases secretion of the “happy” neurotransmitters and improves mood. A small gym area is set up for daily use. It includes a rebounder, light weights and other simple non-electrical tools. An exercise therapist is available upon request to help you put together an individual program. Beautiful Hawaiian swimming areas are within walking distance from our retreat. Grab a snorkel and head over to the nearby tidal ponds for an afternoon of pleasure. Go on a nearby hike to the lighthouse or green sand beach. Rent a bicycle or a scooter to explore secret magic pools and wild ocean coastlines. Yoga helps with concentration, brain fog and all the mental symptoms of candida.

7. Hydrogen Peroxide Baths

Candida thrives in a low oxygen environment. Our outdoor hydrogen peroxide baths will oxygenate your cells to assist in killing the Candida infection.

8. Massage Therapy

Massage therapy has many physical and mental health benefits during a candida detox. It can help to speed up elimination, in particular during the die off reaction and increases serotonin levels in the brain helping with relaxation.

9. Supplements

  • Anti-fungal to include: oil of oregano, grapefruit seed extract, garlic, colloidal silver, caprylic acid, candisol, caprylex, inflazyme, olive leaf extract
  • Help with candida die-off reaction: Molybdenum, riboflavin and activated charcoal Immune health: Vitamin C with bioflavonoids, Echinacea, Panax Ginseng, Vitamin A, Zinc, Astragalus, Vitamin E, B Complex, NAC
  • Probiotics: HMF Forte, Saccharomyces
  • Improve gut health: Aloe, L-Glutamine
  • Support liver/detox: milk thistle, selenium, pantothenic/B5 (blunts rise in acetaldehyde levels from yeast), MSM, Recancostat, Thiocid, Detoxification factors, Phosphatidylcholine
  • Digestive enzymes: assist in proper digestion of food

10. Recreational Therapy

Weekends are usually set aside for exploration and relaxation. A variety of trips can be scheduled to explore the beauty of the Big Island. Visit an active volcano or black sand beach!

11. Sleep and Rest

Wake up with the sun, wind down and go to sleep after sunset. We encourage lights out by 9pm to allow for adequate rest for the body during its detoxification process. The sound of the ocean waves will lull you to sleep!

12. Sunbathing

Moderate sun exposure helps the body to form vitamin D and lifts the mood.

Note that supplements, hydrogen peroxide baths, massage therapy, castor oil packs, IV therapy and exercise therapy with a personal trainer are not part of our $420 per day package. Call us (808-933-4400) to get a customized program with an estimate.

Fine More on Candida Overgrowth & Treatment