Testimonial: Stepping Outside Myself and Hitting the Reset Button

David's Testimonial of Detox Retreat
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I wasn’t feeling great, I think I had a lot of stress built up and I had some extra weight. I didn’t feel good and was looking to hit the reset button.

I had heard about you from Brian Buffini who has attended the retreat and then I met you at the conference we put on in San Diego and you’re awesome, so that was an easy decision. I just hear so many great things and saw the impact it had on Brian’s life. So it was very easy, deciding to go was not a problem.

I didn’t know what to expect, it was very new for me, but I love new experiences so I was open for all of the occurrences, a lot of very interesting stuff and the methods, the therapy, the processes that you took your patients through – pretty amazing. Some of the most amazing experiences I’ve ever had in my life was during the ten days that I was at your retreat. The water therapy was incredible, the exercises in the morning, the whole sense of it.

It was hard to leave there, it was such a beautiful setting. Waking up in the morning, coming out and having a juice handed to you, the birds are going crazy, there are animals in the jungle all around you, you can hear the sounds everywhere, there is a warm breeze blowing. The day began with a sense of peace and healthiness, the fact that you’re going to do something about it just seemed like a natural next progression.

I think I have become disconnected from myself, and I was very surprised at that. I didn’t realize how fast a pace I was moving at. I thought I knew, but for the first time in a really long time, I stepped outside of myself and I wrote every single night. I don’t think you can be there and not write, you certainly are thinking all the time, so writing is a help to get that stuff out of your head, maybe into a more usable form or to make sense of it on paper. That sense of knowing myself, more self-awareness and slowing down… just smelling the roses a bit.

I think I have become disconnected from myself, and I was very surprised at that. I didn’t realize how fast a pace I was moving at. I thought I knew, but for the first time in a really long time, I stepped outside of myself and I wrote every single night.

It was the catalyst of change for me, going on retreat, so yes, I suppose it did change my life. I’ve changed in that I’m doing physical activity almost every day. I’ve changed my eating pattern. I’m probably not eating that much differently, but I’ve slowed down in how I eat and just a lot more self-awareness around all the triggers for stress, the things where taking on more instead of pushing it off – doing less, doing it more thoughtfully, with more presence.

If you are thinking of going to the retreat, I wish I could send everyone I know to the retreat. It was an incredible experience, absolutely incredible. And when I was there, and since I’ve come back often through the day I think of people, friends and family who I think can benefit so much from going. So, if you’re thinking of going, I wouldn’t hesitate.

It is something completely different, the way you run the retreat is like an art form. It’s boot camp, but it’s like health detox boot camp and there’s no time to think during the day, to hesitate, because the next thing is ready for you.

The one day I had an IV of some healthy nutrients that you were pumping into my arm or whatever concoction it was, truth serum :). The nurse would remove the catheter from the IV and two minutes later I’m on a bike going 2 or 3 miles down this gorgeous road and the sun and therapy in the water…it’s a constant surprise, it’s an incredible place, the setting is ridiculously gorgeous. Yes, I don’t know. I’m saving for the next trip.

Age 44
February 2016

Reconnecting With Self. Heavy Metal Detox

Hi My Name is Carol

My daughter was struggling with health and personal issues and wanted to find a place where she could address them without more medications, a place that would take a heathy approach. She went online and HawaiiNaturopathic  Retreat kept coming up when she would put in her criteria. She had recently married and at some point wanted to start a family. She came here for 2 1/2 months and came home truly a new and improved woman. She now has a beautiful 15 mo old baby. She still and always will use the tools they gave her to live a healthier life.

I had some losses in my life, first my husband  than my mother. I plodded thru life trying to do the next right thing. Running from one place to another trying to fill the void, till one day I said I need to stop running and get reconnected. I realized that so many of my roles I had were no longer and I needed to figure out what was my purpose.

My mind, body, heart and surroundings we’re in disconnect. I was speaking with my daughter and she said Mom you should call Dr Baylac. I put it off, I’m very good at that, and said I don’t need that,’I just need to get on with it. Well it wasn’t happening and I finally called. I did the blood work and urine testing and found I had off the chart lead and mercury levels so I had theses issues addressed as well as doing their wellness program.

Today is my last day of a three week tour. This may sound like a script the retreat puts out but honestly I feel like a different person. I fell so much more connected to my self and my surroundings. I journaled and had therapy sessions with some of the most amazing people and discovered so many issues I never dealt with. I went biking, swam with sea turtles in warm ponds, had the most amazing Thai massages, and an added bonus, I lost 8 lbs.

I recommend Hawaii Naturopathic Retreat  to anyone who wants to approach their problems or health issues in a holistic, spiritual, way of healing and discovering. There is no magic pill. The professionals here are some of the best I have met. It is a place where you can share your stories and you are not judged and you are safe.

The raw food and gerson chefs are unbelievable. How many dishes can one make that are raw. Well I’m here to tell you there are countless and they are really good.  This place saved my daughters life and I’m pretty sure it has put mine back on track.  Go for it, you are worth it!


Age 64

December 2014

Arthritis – Lower Back Spinal Stenosis

I’ve been suffering for 14 years with chronic pain from low back surgery and had been partially successful in treating it myself. Then, arthritis showed up 8 months ago and got progressively worse every day. I came into the retreat in crippling pain.
After 10 days of juice fasting and various other treatments under Dr.Baylac’s care, my arthritis is turning around. That’s a BIG DEAL.

When the spinal stenosis started chewing on me, I realized I had to do something. I came in with a cane, hunched over & could barely walk. I’m leaving walking wherever I want. Being crippled was not a good option for me and I’m relieved to know my body has another go-round! My joints feel much less painful and much more comfortable. Having everyone with different healing abilities show up daily, as needed, made my juicing/fasting process un-believably beneficial in such a SHORT period of time – the colonics, vitamins, IVs, castor oil packs, and clay packs all helped. Staying at the retreat and being able to rest when needed was also very beneficial.

My sincere thanks to everybody that’s helped with this process, including the emotional support and counseling that really helped through this time.

Age 59
June 2014

Multiple Personalities

Until this week, never have I heard of treating any given multiples with a spherical holistic health plan. Within my layman research, that I admit needs updating, I was not aware that a total 10-day health program could provide a major life-changing breakthrough in multiplicity. This has been the most important benefit I have gained from this program. This breakthrough has catapulted me into a quantum leap toward helping others.

Age 64
June 2014

Fecal Microbial Transplant Patient Success Story

Aloha Dr. Baylac,

May this New Year bring you the blessings of health and joy.

I feel it is important for me to inform you of my current condition. The following is a brief summary of my experiences since I last saw you.

I was diagnosed in July 2013 with “Crohn’s/Colitis” by specialist Dr. Ah***. After performing a colonoscopy, Dr. Ah*** told me this was his best guess. The current standard treatment for Crohn’s/Colitis is RX drugs such as Prednisone. In spite of his strong recommendation, I refused to take it.

I tried several different things to cure my illness. It included our work together as well as special diets, supplements, Sodium Butyrate enemas, fasting for short periods, hypnotherapy, meditation, etc. When nothing I chose to do worked, I was forced to take the bull by the horns. To take control of my own health and try to dig deep to figure out how to make myself well. I did hours upon hours of research on-line regarding my diagnosis. Eventually I came to the conclusion that I had been misdiagnosed. I diagnosed myself with suffering from “Microscopic Colitis”. This is somewhat less serious than Crohn’s/Colitis disease. The symptoms of Microscopic Colitis seemed to closely match mine . When I read that Microscopic Colitis can be caused by over use of Anti-Inflammatory medications, that caught my attention.

You may recall the procedure I had done on my ear in May of 2012 by Specialist Dr. B**** in Honolulu. My ear became inflamed. Dr. B**** recommended taking 4 Advil every six hours until the inflammation went away. I took 96 Advil in 4 days. Again I was misdiagnosed as it was not an infection but rather a condition. Dr. B**** determined this himself. In the long run, this wrecked my gut causing damage to the lining of my colon.

My research lead me to learn about Fecal Microbial Transplant or FMT. This procedure is not routine in the USA nor is it allowed by the AMA. Currently, in the USA, the AMA will only allow this procedure to be done on patients with C. Diff., via colonoscopy.

I had become desperately ill. I lost nearly 20% of my body weight, dropping to just 94 lbs at the worst point. It required all my courage to decide to try something so alternative and far from mainstream medicine. Through my research and experiences, I learned how to perform this procedure at home. I found a very healthy and willing donor. I performed upon myself a total of 17 FMT’s over a 33 day period. This was the cure! I began gaining my weight back after the first FMT. It came back 2lbs by 2lbs. Currently, I am nearly my normal weight, having gained back 22 lbs.

There are many simple details to consider while performing this procedure. I was able to figure it out. The main procedure was a retention enema. I also used two essential oils. These oils are therapeutic grade essential oils. I used Helichrysum and Digestzen oil topically. I also drank organic psyllium husks twice a day.

This procedure is amazing to me. I am comforted as I write this letter and see my truth manifest. My effort, along with the loving help of my donor, cost me nearly nothing. In my opinion, this procedure appears to be a cure. A lifetime of ingesting Prednisone, as Dr. Ah*** recommended, is not a viable solution. Should you wish to know more about my experience I would be very happy to discuss it with you. It is important to share this so other people, who are suffering just like I was and even worse, can find relief.

In health care today, knowledge is power.

Wishing you many blessings for the year ahead.

Jenny (pseudonym)
January 2014

Food Addiction and Weight Loss

Before coming to the retreat, I had been feeling for a little while that I was at my limit and that I needed a break somehow. I looked into food addiction because my worst issue was that my eating was out of control – it was obsessive, it was all that I ever thought about and I was feeling out of control in many ways. I looked into programs that were based on weight loss but worried about the relapse rates. I also looked into food addiction groups, but they all seemed tied into substance abuse and/or anorexia. I didn’t feel that those were right for me, I didn’t want to be in a clinical space where they watch you eat. Finally, the holistic approach seemed like what I really needed, plus it was in Hawaii!

My first response when I started treatment at the retreat center was a little nervous, I felt weird about how relaxed and slow paced everything was – I felt like a patient and it was uncomfortable for a few days. Then a switch flipped and I eased into the routine and I felt more comfortable with the pace and gentle atmosphere. The flowers, smells, fresh fruit are surroundings that not everyone will get to experience; it is a special place.

I was pretty happy with the food – the chefs go through great efforts to make it interesting, creative and varied which helps fill the space of missing comfort foods that are emotionally fulfilling. There was some discomfort in taking the supplements but I understand that my body is depleted and that I need to do it. The enemas, though intimidating at first, don’t take long to get used to.

I absolutely loved Pilates, it was my first time on the reformer and I am interested in continuing it at home. The yoga was also great and I was able to take it as far as I could. Breathwork and EFT were most beneficial for me. I had been to counselors before and had not made much progress. My issues were on the surface at the retreat and both techniques really pulled stuff out. They were like an emotional castor oil pack – drawing the impurities out of my soul.

The snorkeling was absolutely amazing. The lava is dramatic and intense at the tidal pools and champagne ponds – it was nice to be centered between these two natural entities. The Volcano National Park tour was a once in a lifetime experience and it was spectacular to be a part of it. Also, I’ve saw my first mongoose!

When I get home, I definitely plan to schedule more exercise. I have had problems breathing and oxygenating properly and I want to continue the progress I have made with that. After 12 days, I feel mellow and at peace. A lot of the food practices I did in treatment were things I knew, but was unable to practice – it has been a good reminder of how you feel when you eat clean and raw. I lost 9 pounds in 12 days!!! I’m excited to replace junk dessert with raw healthy chocolate pie, and make other healthy substitutions in my eating. I feel very renewed and ready to go home and be better for my husband, my kids, and myself!

Age 41
November 2013

Bulimia, Alcohol, Heavy Metal Detox

As a child I was ridiculed, called fat, and developed a fear of becoming overweight. I had a lot of stress and anxiety and never knew how to deal with it. Surrounded by unhealthy processed foods and dysfunctional people, I started restricting my eating at age twelve. Who knew how bogus the statement “sticks and stones can break your bones but words can never hurt you” is? The mind begins to believe words like “chub-rock, thunder thighs, and round one”. My mind became a jail and the outcome became throwing up. I obsessed over everything I ate and at age thirteen, I started purging. The purging and restricting started slowly and it was scary at first. At age sixteen, I vomited very often and I would secretively work out; I started loosing a lot of weight. I didn’t have bowel movements or periods for years, my body started to shut down, and I lost interest in school and isolated often. I was in a living hell.

I’d been seeking treatment off and on since the age of fourteen, from outpatient therapy to involuntary inpatient traditional rehab centers. However, due to my lack of readiness and lack of a supportive environment, the seriousness of my problems was not understood and that in itself exacerbated my issues and gave rise to the bulimia. I felt like I would constantly find something that would allow me to sustain myself (for example: I survived one year on small amounts of graham crackers alone and at another point, I lived on mainly peanut butter for years). Eventually the binging and purging became out of control; any time I ate, I would obsess about where I could throw up.

I could not allow food to stay in my system and it made people really uncomfortable. My teeth started deteriorating from the frequent vomiting and I had to spend a fortune on dental work, eventually getting full upper porcelain tooth crowns. I felt like I was constantly on overdrive because my body was deprived from nutrients. Once the bulimia -my “numbing drug”- reached it’s peak, along came alcohol and cigarettes, more tools to numb my pain. My alcohol use became out of control. Furthermore, I was surrounded by toxic chemicals from my work. The final straw, that provoked me to seek treatment, yet again (after already spending a fortune on past attempts), was my third DUI. Before finding Hawaii Naturopathic Retreat Center, other treatment centers did not address my whole being: they had me on lock down, didn’t treat me as a human that could think for myself, forced unhealthy processed foods on me, wouldn’t allow me to exercise, the therapy was horrible and I gained twenty five pounds in two weeks. The DUI and the terrible traditional treatment center were blessings in disguise because they lead me to seek holistic treatment to heal my whole body. I needed to not only be healed from my eating disorder but to be mentally relieved from the obsessive behavior and for my toxic, unbalanced body to be cured.

Before attending Hawaii Naturopathic Retreat Center, I spent six weeks on the phone with Nicolette and Dr. Baylac developing trust in them and they gave me some hope. As soon as I arrived, I knew it was the right place for me and that I would not return home the same person. I enrolled in the three month lifestyle changes program. As soon as I met Dr. Baylac, I started crying my eyes out because I new I finally found the right support. My life change started as soon as I stepped foot on the center property. It took a lot of trust to believe in the program, to participate in modalities like IV therapy, EFT, The Work, Breathwork, etc., but I went for it full force. I did exercise, swimming, yoga, Pilates, saunas and even the enemas!

Within weeks, for the first time in my life, I began to feel what it felt like to be in my body. That’s when I knew I was on the right track. If it wasn’t for the raw food chef, Ian, I don’t know what I would have done. His knowledge helped me to create a healthy relationship with my food, I was educated on the nutrients and learned that I could enjoy complex delicious meals. My cravings became manageable because I wasn’t consuming processed foods or unhealthy sodium or sugar. Feeling the energy and nutrients build in my body, from the food and green juices, I noticed my nails started to grow, and I started to heal from the inside out. I started to detoxify, my energy stabilized, my moods became more balanced and the irritability was diminished drastically.

The other patients both made me face issues that I needed to work on, and helped to create a supportive family that will always be there. I feel very confident and more than ready to live my life to the fullest and not just survive it. For the first time in my life (since I started purging) I am not purging at all! I’m finally able to laugh again, I’m finally able to share with people, both of which are very healing. I have a new found excitement for living, I want to go back to school, continue my passion for holistic living, love the earth, love my body, and someday be able to educate others on nutrition and wellbeing.

The bottom line of what I’ve learned is that you create your own reality in your mind. Finding your truth is key for living your own live. If something works, let it be (i.e. “Don’t f@*# with the formula!”).

32 years old
October 2013