Menstrual cycles are governed by a group of hormones which ebb and flow at different times during the cycle. Subtle manipulations of diet and choosing different food groups at different times of the month can assist the body in achieving a natural and more harmonious cycle.
There are two main phases of the menstruation cycle:
Phase I – From the first day of menses (menstruation) until the onset of ovulation (Days 1 – 14). During this phase estrogen production is important and more omega-3 seeds and foods in the diet will be supportive of estrogen production.
Phase II – From ovulation to the onset of menses (Days 15 – 28). During the second phase, progesterone is dominant and necessary to support body in the second part of the cycle. Seeds with a higher ratio of omega-6 and omega-6 rich foods will support progesterone production.
Seeds are a good source of essential fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6. Some seeds contain more omega-3 and other more omega-6. Seed cycling implies rotating the seeds in the diet to the type of essential fatty acid that supports the particular stage of the cycle.
(Read related article: Female Hormone Balancing with Nutrition [Infographic])
This healthy recipe is a recipe to support natural hormone productions. There are two variations, one for Phase I and the other for Phase II of the menstrual cycle.
TIP: Prepare the seed cycling snack balls for one whole menstrual cycle and store in two airtight glass containers in the freezer. Every day take 4 balls from appropriate Phase with you to work for an afternoon snack.
- 300 ml Nut or Seed Butter* (choose from Phase I or II below)
- 50 ml Maple Syrup or use dates for sweetening recipe
- to taste Spices and Seasonings (Cinnamon, Cacao, Nutmeg, Ginger, Vanilla)
- 300 ml Seed Meal* (choose from Phase I or II below)
- 300 ml Sundried Organic Fruit (Cranberries, Raisins, Currants, etc.)
- 50 ml Dried, Unsweetened Medium Shredded Coconut
- *Phase I Snack Balls : Menses to Ovulation
- 300 ml Nut or Seed Butter (Almond, Cashew, Pumpkin)
- 300 ml Flax and Pumpkin Seed Meal * (equal parts, 150ml flax and 150ml pumpkin)
- *Phase II Snack Balls: Ovulation to Menses
- 300 ml Nut or Seed Butter (Almond, Cashew, Sunflower, Tahini)
- 300 ml Sesame and Sunflower Seed Meal * (equal parts, 150ml sesame and 150ml sunflower)
Mix nut/seed butter and maple syrup together and stir well. Add spices and seasonings of your choice to the mixture (the balls are tasty also without seasoning). Gradually, stir in the seed meals until evenly distributed throughout the nut butter mixture. Stir in dried fruit. Form into 1” balls and roll in coconut. Store in a dark container in the fridge. Do not use plastic. You can also store them in the freezer to last longer. They will thaw within minutes because of high fat content.

Eat 3-4 balls per day at a minimum. They make a quick and easy snack. Eat the balls when craving something sweet. Take to work for mid afternoon snack or in case you get hungry and you are too busy to eat properly.
Flax seed meal is available in some stores, however, for maximum value and nutrition, and to compensate for the lack of other seed meals on the market, it is best to buy the seeds whole, organic and raw and grind them yourself in a seed-dedicated coffee grinder. It is incredibly easy and takes no time.
Storage Tip: Keep seeds and nuts in sealed glass mason jars in the refrigerator. Avoiding plasticides is important to further support healthy female hormone production.
What About Men? Men can restore the natural balance of hormones as well by following the opposite seed cycling schedule to women. Since men do not have a menstrual cycle, it is easiest for men to synchronize with the Lunar Cycle. From the full moon to the new moon emphasize omega-6 seeds and foods. And from the new moon to the full moon focus more on omega-3 seeds and foods.