EP #041: Natural Living
/in Detoxification, Lifestyle Medicine /by Dr. Baylac N.D.Toss Your Pharmaceutical Drugs and Adopt a Natural Lifestyle
No matter how long you have been taking drugs or for what reason, it is never too late to quit them. Some drugs, like insulin or thyroid medications, are life-saving and may be reduced to a lesser dosage, but many common drugs for high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, depression, anxiety, and ADHD can be completely eliminated with the help of whole food nutrition, supplements, counseling, and an active lifestyle, including: opiates, benzodiazepine, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), stimulants, statins, Ace inhibitors, calcium channel blockers, and diabetes drugs.
Why Eliminate Drugs?
Side Effects, Nutrient Deficiencies, Liver Damage, and Brain Inflammation
Adverse effects of drugs are referred to as “side effects,” as if they are somehow lesser than their intended effects. This is misleading. Drugs have many effects, intended helpful ones and unintended, adverse ones. Their unintended, adverse effects often require treatment with even more drugs, creating a downward spiral of adverse effects. For example, statins are used to treat high cholesterol, but damage the liver and muscle cells causing elevated liver enzymes, muscle pain, and increased blood sugar. Benzodiazepines, opiates, and simulants are used to treat mental health problems, but are highly addictive and cause other mental and physical problems. Steroids, SSRIs, and insulin all cause weight gain. All these so-called “side effects” generate new health problems that may be worse than the problem they were originally meant to address and may even make the original problem worse.
In addition to adverse effects, drugs are toxic and generate liver damage, brain inflammation, and nutrient deficiencies. The most common nutrient deficiencies are B vitamins, magnesium, and CO Q10.
Eliminating Pharmaceutical Drug Use and Dependency
Switching from drug dependence to a natural lifestyle will involve breaking bad habits and establishing good ones. This is possible because of the neuroplasticity of the brain, but it requires a scientific approach and an appropriate method as well as courage and determination.
Below we review the different steps involved in the process of drug dependence and how we address it at HNRC.
1. Drug Dependence
Dependence to a medication can be as trivial as the psychological reassurance that you are “normal” and “safe,” such as when taking a blood pressure medication, or it can be totally destructive, such as when consuming medications for mental health. Death by overdoses of benzodiazepines, opiates and anti-depressants keeps climbing, as our society provides the perfect cradle for anxiety and depression, and uses these drugs to “treat” them.
2. Resistance to change
Habits are “hard-wired” by neural pathways in the brain. They are learned through repetition and become unconscious as neural pathways are formed, freeing the brain to “concentrate” on other non-habit driven activities. Habits are unconscious and supported by neural pathways in the basal ganglia of the brain, whereas the prefrontal cortex area is the seat of our conscious higher self, where we “think,” control impulses, and make decisions. Pharmaceutical drugs are habit forming and these habits tend to overpower the ability of the higher self to be in control.
3. The negative bias of the brain
The brain can store one single negative event and recall the fear associated with its memory in any similar situation to protect us from experiencing another trauma. This characteristic of the brain is blamable for PTSD and it is in the way of change. Taking pharmaceutical drugs may be associated with any fear or hope and these feelings may interfere with the cessation of taking the drug.
4. Attachment to the past and fear of the future
Depression and anxiety go hand in hand depriving us from experiencing the present time. Depression can be viewed as attachment to the past and anxiety as fear of the future. There is safety in the known and unsettlement in the unknown
Mastering Your Change to a Natural Lifestyle
1. Go away for a healthy vacation or a retreat
To transition to a natural lifestyle, it is important to get support from a doctor experienced in the process of weaning off pharmaceutical drugs. A stay in a facility is recommended to wean off addictive drugs for mental health. Eliminating cues triggering bad habits and living in a supportive environment facilitates the formation of new habits.
2. Overcoming resistance to change
At our clinic we address both the physiological and psychological aspects of transitioning to a drugless lifestyle. We treat nutrient deficiencies, liver injury, and brain inflammation with an anti-inflammatory, plant-based diet, supplements, in particular Omega 3 fatty acids from fish oil or flax seed oil, and IV therapy. To address the psychological aspects, we teach the practice of mindfulness. Mindfulness brings the attention to the present avoiding the tricks of the depressed or anxious mind taking us to the past or the future
3. Breaking your bad habits, stage 1 detoxification
Mechanisms of drug toxicity have been studied and show that even at the prescribed dosage, drugs are toxic to the liver, heart, and kidney. Detoxification at the cellular level is the first step to ensure a successful transition to a natural lifestyle. We accomplish detoxification with diverse procedures: coffee enemas, which increase the production of glutathione in the liver; colon hydrotherapy, which removes plaque accumulated in the colon; juices, that remove byproducts of drugs metabolized and stored in the tissues; and the sauna, which removes chemicals and heavy metals through sweat.
4. Forming new habits, stage 2 MAP
MAP stands for Motivation, Awareness, Practice, the 3 pillars of the mindset for a successful change. Going to the gym rather than grabbing a pill for high blood pressure, or making a salad at home rather than stopping at the convenience store, is going to require a conscious determination, proper dealing with cues, and rewarding yourself to create the neural path that will support your new habit.
Motivation and rewards work hand and hand. Awareness through looking at the numbers going down on your scale or glucometer and feeling energized will fuel your desire to continue your healthy path. The practice of repetition is the essence of learning and the new habits will have to be consciously repeated over time until they come spontaneously. Awareness is the container in which it is all happening. If you have signed up for a gym and never made it there or failed many times in your New Year resolutions, we can help.
17 Things to Avoid to Protect Yourself from Cancer
/in Detoxification, Lifestyle Medicine /by Dr. Baylac N.D.- Underwire bras constrict the lymphatic system and have been identified as a cause of cancer https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/fact-or-fiction-underwire-bras-cause-cancer/
- Synthetic fiber clothing and bed sheets. Use organic cotton or silk.
- Carcinogens are ubiquitous. Carcinogens are chemical compounds that cause mutation in our DNA, the genetic material inherited by our parents. They are found in house cleaning supplies, personal hygiene products, make up, food and drinks. The most dangerous carcinogens we are exposed to are Round Up (an herbicide) and chlorine. Use organic food to avoid chemicals from pesticides and fertilizers. Do not use Round Up on your lawn.
- Chlorine. Chlorine is found in tab water and swimming pools. It is a common household product sold as Clorox. Avoid drinking or showering or bathing in tap water. Buy a water filter for your house or get a filter for your shower and sink. Avoid swimming in a chlorinated pool.
- Detergents in commercial cleaning supplies. Use vinegar and water instead or regular soap.
- Overuse of soap. Body soaps removes natural oils on the skin and flush vitamin D. Low levels of vitamin D are usually found in people with cancer. Test for vitamin D levels. https://www.cancer.org/cancer/cancer…/known-and-probable-human-carcinogens.html
- Household furniture, carpets, pressed wood, curtains contain fire retardants, formaldehyde benzene and naphthalene. Memory foam is particularly toxic.
- VOC or volatile organic compounds are contained in paint and off gas for years. Buy “no VOC” paint.
- Electronic equipment produces electromagnetic field (EMF) disturbing to the natural electricity of our cells. Eliminate them from your bedroom to have a regenerating sleep: remove TVs, computers, phones in particular smart phones.
- Location of the house: danger of power lines and high voltage power lines. EMFs emitted by power lines have shown to cause cancer.
- Regenerating sleep at night, in a dark room or natural light. Go to bed early and get up early.
- Eliminate toxic habits. Smoking, chewing tobacco, drinking alcoholic beverages, consuming illegal drugs including marijuana and pharmaceuticals. Smoking is associated with lung, esophageal and bladder cancer. Quit.
- Alcohol consumption is a major risk factor for certain head and neck cancers, particularly cancers of the oral cavity, pharynx (throat), and larynx (voice box). Quit.
- Pharmaceuticals are the fourth leading cause of death. Over prescribed antibiotics destroy beneficial bacterial flora causing fungal overgrowth and creating dysbiosis.
- Processed and GMO foods in particular processed meats and food additives linked to colon cancer. Thirty percent of the processed meat tested in commercial stores contains C. Difficile, a diarrhea causing pathological bacteria difficult to get rid of, eventually causing colon cancer. Additives and emulsifiers added to bread and other processed foods to extend shelf life, alter gut bacteria causing inflammation and causing colorectal cancer.
- Infections by carcinogenic bacteria and viruses. Twenty percent of cancers are associated with bacteria or viruses. Herpes virus associated with nasopharyngeal cancer, H. Pylori bacteria associated stomach cancer, EBV (Epstein Barr Virus), the cause of mononucleosis or the so-called kissing disease because it spreads through the saliva, associated with naso-pharyngeal cancer and Hodgkin lymphoma, EBV associated with lymphoma, HIV associated many types of cancer. HPV (Human papilloma virus) with cervical cancer, esophageal cancer from oral sex, Hepatitis B and C associated with liver cancer. Treat all infections as soon as diagnosed or after diagnosis.
- Air pollution. The air we breathe is contaminated with particulate matter, decreased oxygen, and various pollutants from industrial emissions, vehicle exhaust, combustion, heating activities and vog (in Hawaii). Fresh air composition: Nitrogen @ 78.09% Oxygen @ 20.95% and Argon @ 0.93%. That makes up about 99.97%. Indoor air pollution is usually worse than outdoor air pollution. Air pollution is responsible for the number one cancer type: lung cancer. Read the article, 9 Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality.
9 Ways to Improve Air Quality in Your Home
/in Detoxification /by Dr. Baylac N.D.Indoor air quality matters, because it is a huge contributor to toxic load and carcinogen exposure. Indoor pollution is generally higher than outdoor pollution unless you consciously reduce it by building your house with non-toxic materials, remove your shoes prior to entering your house and use an air filter in urban areas. Air pollution is a common cause of neuro-inflammation and respiratory or cardiovascular disease.
Air is a commonly overlooked nutrient, but it is so essential. Humans can live without food for 4-6 weeks, without water for 3-5 days, but without air only 3-4 minutes. The average person breathes about 20,000 times a day. Air is made up mostly of oxygen and nitrogen. Every time we breathe in, it fills our lungs and supplies our blood with oxygen. Without this process our bodies would not receive the oxygen it needs to stay alive.
The body needs oxygen so it can combust food to release the energy stored in it. In other words oxygen is the fuel that allows our cells to produce energy from the food we eat. Oxygen appears abundant – we are surrounded by a sky full of it. Air creeps in everywhere, all we have to do is open a window. The problem is that air is also polluted so in spite of it appearing abundant and easy to get, we want to give some serious consideration to the quality of air we breathe.
Most people have the erroneous idea that the air inside their homes is cleaner than the air outside. The consensus is that as long as I’m inside a house or building, I don’t need to worry about the polluted air. Unless you’re living in a large cosmopolitan city, right next to a gas station, next door to an oil refinery or next to a freeway, this is simply not true. The air inside our homes are more toxic than outside and we are better off opening our windows and letting the outside air circulate through.
Although outdoor air is polluted, it is usually less polluted than indoor air.
Sources of Air Pollution
There are many things that affect the air quality we breathe such as industrial pollution, perfumes, pesticides, herbicides, smoke, vehicle exhausts, mold, pollens, allergens, indoor and home pollutants. The biggest offenders are industrial polluters. More than 2 million tons of known carcinogens are released into our air, land, and water by industrial facilities around the world each year.¹
Health issues linked to toxins and pollutants in the air include cancer, allergies, asthma, birth defects, infertility, growth problems, weight gain, skin problems, respiratory problems, digestive problems, and overall imbalance within the body.
Indoor Air Pollution
Since we cannot control outdoor air pollution, let’s focus our attention on getting familiar with what influences air quality inside our homes. However, if you are living next to a gas station, busy highway, golf course, conventional agriculture area with heavy spraying of pesticides and herbicides, or commercial livestock farms that produces lots of methane gas, you can consider moving to an area where the air quality is less impacted by these activities.
Dust in homes, offices, and other human environments contains small amounts of plant pollen, human and animal hairs, textile fibers, paper fibers, minerals from outdoor soil, human skin cells, burnt meteorite particles, and many other materials which may be found in the local environment. – Wikipedia
Our indoor environment is an important source of chemical pollutant exposure. A new study shows that chemicals are not just volatile compounds that off gas into the air, but also accumulate as particles in house dust.
Indoor dust today has a chemical make-up from a wide variety of products. Household items like electronic devices, televisions, furniture, beauty products, cleaning products, and flooring materials shed chemicals that end up in the air and in the dust of our indoor environments.
Dust mites accumulate in dust and is a common household allergen. Seasonal pollen are carried indoors by the wind and pet dander may be present in your home regardless of whether you have a pet or not. Cockroach droppings contain a protein than can be a potential allergy trigger. And finally mold and mildew are potential allergens that can cause very serious illness.
Water damaged homes, especially homes that are made of dry wall and cardboard ceiling is a perfect place for mold to thrive when damp. Although mold is natural in our outdoor environment and even some types indoors, there are species of mold that can wreak havoc on health once they settle inside a home. Since these molds (like Stachybotrys) are often not seen as they can be hidden within the walls or roof and behind the shower, it can be hard to identify that there is a serious health risk to be dealt with.
Toxic molds produce mycotoxins that can make you sick or slowly break down your immune system. Possible reactions include immune suppression and cancer. Mycotoxins are chemical toxins present within or on the surface of the mold spore, which can be inhaled, ingested, or touched.
Toxins: VOC’s
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are emitted as gases from certain solids or liquids. A 1985 study (TEAM) by the Environmental Protection Agency showed that the greatest personal exposure to solvents come from air in the home, especially at night. One study identified a total of 586 different chemical pollutants in the indoor air of 52 homes along the Arizona-Mexico border.
Major sources of indoor air pollution include pressed wood products, carpets, paints, and furnishings treated with flame-retardant chemicals, such as mattresses, upholstery, drapes and curtains.
VOCs/solvents are hazardous to our health in many ways:
- They pose a threat to normal development of infant and fetus
- Affect the reproductive system
- Are carcinogen (cancer causing) to the body
- Impact the immune system
- Disrupt the endocrine system (natural hormone release cycles)
List of Indoor Air Quality Hazards In Your Home²
Indoor Air Pollutants Combustion by-products from:
- Fireplaces
- Smoking
- Candles
- Stoves
- Water heaters
- Furnaces
- Attached garages
Solvents (volatile organic compounds) from:
- Paint, paint strippers and other solvents
- Wood preservatives
- Glue
- Upholstery
- Carpeting
- Household cleaners and disinfectants
- Aerosol sprays
- Moth repellents and air fresheners
- Dry-cleaned clothing
- Electronics
- Dryer sheets
- Perfumes
- Stored fueled and automotive products
Dusts and particulates from:
- Molds
- Cigarette smoke
- Infectious agents
- Animal dander
- Chemicals from indoor building supplies
- Pesticides
9 Ways to Improve Air Quality in Your Home
What lifestyle changes can you make to reduce your airborne toxic burden? We’ve put together a list of easily actionable items, to ensure you get the best air quality possible in your home or office.
1. Detox Your Home
Stop using unnecessary pollutants in your home and move paint containers and other chemicals to areas that are far removed from bedrooms, living areas etc. Preferably a separate garage. Switch to natural cleaning products. There is no need to have a particular chemical cleaner for every item in the house: carpet cleaner, oven cleaner, toilet cleaner, all-purpose cleaner, furniture cleaner, window cleaner, etc. Once you let go of this you will quickly realize that you do not need it.
Take off your shoes
All sorts of toxic compounds find their way inside your home via shoes. Studies have shown that herbicides, lead dust, coal tar from asphalt road, Roundup from your lawn and harmful bacteria find they way inside your home through your shoes. Without talking about the noise pollution inflicted on the neighbors below. It is not a common practice to remove shoes in our western culture but it is tradition in many countries such as India, Japan and Hawaii.
Think twice before purchasing new household items
Getting a new couch, pillows, or mattress? Thinking about carpeting or freshly painting walls? These items can be extremely toxic when brand new. Even hardwood floors that are glued together is a problem. These improvements will off gas volatile organic compounds for a considerable time and increase the toxic load of your indoor air.
Choose organic, natural upholstery and pillows whenever possible and look for paint that doesn’t contain VOCs and solvents. Carpeting in the home is not recommended at all, but if you absolutely have no choice or if you’re looking for area rugs, buy natural types of rugs and do research on how the rugs were bound together. Even on natural rugs certain glues can be used that will off gas.
2. No Smoking
If you are a smoker or get visitors that smoke, smoke outdoors and far enough away that the smoke cannot be carried indoors at all. Smoke from cigarettes and other tobacco products will contaminate your indoor air and will stick to the walls and other hard surfaces.
Cigarettes and cigarette smoke contain chemicals, carcinogens and toxic heavy metals like benzene, formaldehyde, pesticides, vinyl chloride, arsenic, cadmium, ammonia, carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide, and nicotine. Secondhand smoke contains some 250 chemicals and about 70 cancer causing chemicals.
3. Change Dry Cleaners
Unlike what its name implies, dry cleaning is not actually a ‘dry’ process. Clothes are soaked in a different solvent other than water. The solvent used is typically toxic tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene or PERC), which the industry calls PCE.
This is the same solvent that is used in paint strippers and spot removers. PERC lingers in recently dry-cleaned clothing and slowly escape into household air. Bringing your dry cleaning home and hanging it in your closet means that those chemicals will off gas and contaminate your indoor air.
Best option is to research for a dry cleaner that use natural dry cleaning methods and research what PERC-free dry cleaners that advertise themselves as green actually use. When this is not possible, hang your dry cleaning outside. Also, remember unless you perspire very heavily, your clothing probably doesn’t need to be cleaned as often as you think. Spot clean at home and hang in the sun for a few hours to freshen your dry clean only labeled clothes. You can also rethink buying dry clean only clothing in future.
4. Rethink the smells coming from your laundry room
Use unscented natural, biodegradable laundry detergent and fabric softener. Stop using dryer sheets. Dryer sheets are a source of solvent indoor air pollution. What you will notice is that you actually don’t need it. Bicarbonate of soda or Borax make for excellent natural fabric softener and is much kinder to the environment.
5. Keep your mouth closed and breathe through your nose
The nose is designed to trap air pollutants through the hair it contains. Let it do its job. Chronic sinus problems or blocked nose can make this tricky, but observe your habit of breathing and focus on deliberately filling up your lungs properly with each breath and allow the air to push your diaphragm down properly.
6. Keep it clean
Keep your house dust free and clean. As we have seen dust contains allergens, molds, toxic chemicals and more. Wipe down hard surfaces with a moist rag at least once a week. Vacuum floors or sweep and wet mop once a week.
7. Create a schedule to periodically check your house for leaks and mold
This is a must! Create a schedule to check for water leak or water damage that may have gone unnoticed. Especially if you live in areas that get lots of rain. If you want to go the extra mile which is highly recommended check your house for mold spores by using mold detecting kits.
If you see water damage or mold growing take action immediately. Black mold or Stachybotrys thrive on drywall and board-type ceilings, are toxic. They create neurotoxins which damage the nervous system and are powerful carcinogens.
8. Walk in nature and bring air purifying plants indoors
Ever feel better after a walk in the woods? Spend time in nature walking in the woods. Do that as frequently as you can – walking consciously and breathing consciously (deliberately filling your lungs fully with deep breaths). Japanese researchers suggest that we take in beneficial substances when we breathe forest air. Three major factors that research identified that can possibly make us feel healthier after a walk in the woods: beneficial bacteria, plant-derived essential oils and negatively-charged ions.³
Some plants can help to clean the air in the home or office. These natural air purifiers are only effective when there are LOTS of them in a room. Read about plants that can clean indoor air.
9. HEPA while you sleep
A good strategy is to purify the air in your bedroom while you sleep by utilizing a HEPA air purifier. At least your body can get clean air while it’s in rest and repair mode at night. As we mentioned above the 1985 TEAM study showed that the greatest personal exposure to solvents come from air in the home, especially at night.
Controlling air quality inside your home is an important step towards better mental and physical health and a long life. Use the following diagram to identify the possible sources of pollution and remediate it.
Resources for Further Reading
Not Just Dirt: Toxic Chemicals in Indoor Dust
Top 20 Air Purifier Reviews by PlentyAir
Plants That Can Clean Indoor Air
Top 10 Toxic Ingredients Used In The Fossil Fuel Industries
What Chemicals are in Cigarettes and in Cigarette Smoke?
Volatile Organic Compounds’ Impact on Indoor Air Quality
- Website: WordoMeters.info, http://www.worldometers.info/view/toxchem/
- Crinnion, Walter (2010-02-09). Clean, Green, and Lean: Get Rid of the Toxins That Make You Fat (Kindle Locations 2186-2188). Turner Publishing Company. Kindle Edition.
- Website: TheConversation.com, https://theconversation.com/why-a-walk-in-the-woods-really-does-help-your-body-and-your-soul-5322
- Mitro, S.D., R.E. Dodson, V. Singla, G. Adamkiewicz, A.F. Elmi, M. K. Tilly, A.R. Zota. 2016. “Consumer product chemicals in indoor dust: a quantitative meta-analysis of U.S. studies.” Environmental Science & Technology.
Plants That Can Clean Indoor Air
/in Detoxification /by Dr. Baylac N.D.Are there plants that can clean indoor air? The answer is yes, but for plants to effectively purify the air in your home you will need to keep the following two things in mind.
1. Choose the right plants
Plants are not equal in their ability to naturally purify the air. To clean the air in your home, you need to choose plants that can clean indoor air as backed up by scientific study.
Research has been conducted over the past two decades by The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to determine which plants can remove toxic chemicals from the air for the use in space stations.
These first five plants came top of their list and were particularly effective at clearing the air of formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene.
- Mass cane (dracaena massangeana)
- Pot mum (Chrysanthemum morifolium)
- Gerbera daisy (Gerbera jamesonii)
- Warnecki (Dracaena deremensis “Warneckei”)
- Ficus (Ficus benjamina)
Other plants that were also effective at air purification are:
- English Ivy (Hedera helix)
- Marginata (Dracaena marginata)
- Mother-in-laws tongue (Sansevieria laurentii)
- Peace lily (Spathiphyllum “Mauna Loa”)
- Chinese evergreen (Algona “silver queen”)
- Banana (Musa oriana)
- Bamboo Palm (Chamaedorea seifrizii)
- Heart Leaf philodendron (Philodendron oxycardium)
- Green Spider Plant (Chlorophytum elatum)
- Janet Craig (Dracaena deremensis “Janet Craig”)

Sansevieria laurentii (common name: mother in law’s tongue, aka snake plant) is a natural air purifier and easy to grow.
2. Go for a jungle effect
In spite of what you may have read on various popular wellness blogs or in magazines, for the above plants to actually work in a therapeutic manner and create measurable results for cleaning the air in your home you will need LOTS of these plants. To quote environmental medicine specialist, Dr. Walter Crinnion, “By getting a variety of such plants and ‘making their home a jungle,’ several families have found that their chronic health problems have dramatically improved.”
You will need to go for a jungle effect and place lots and lots of plants in your home. One way to go about this is to start in your bedroom so that you can at least have the best quality and cleanest air at night while you sleep.
Still, since plants will brighten up your house, if you are using plants as part of decor in your home, you may as well choose from the plants that can clean indoor air.
Colonics Explained. A Clean Colon Is Key to Vibrant Health!
/in Detoxification /by Dr. Baylac N.D.Are you too afraid to make a colonic appointment? This article will explain how it’s done and what to expect.
What Exactly Is Colonics?
Colonics also known as colon hydrotherapy or colon irrigation is a procedure where water is administered into the colon. The water is administered with the objective of washing or cleaning the colon.
Why Would One Want to Clean the Colon with Colonic Irrigation?
According to Dr. Ariel Jones, “Colon hydrotherapy removes old, impacted waste out of the colon. Over time old fecal matter can build up in the crypts of the intestines as well as form a plaque. This material is toxic to the system; it prevents intestinal function and allows for toxin recirculation. Impacted stool creates a holding pattern in the tissues which means there is both a physiological and energetic stagnation.”
The benefits of colon hydrotherapy are to remove waste build up and plaque formation to free the intestine to work optimally, and release stored energy.
Is Colonics for Everyone?
We recommend that everyone try colon hydrotherapy because its indications are vast. People suffering from physical ailments such as constipation, headaches, hormonal issues, acne and other toxic conditions can really benefit from having built up waste removed.
On a mental/emotional level, there is a lot of energy and trauma stored in our guts. People who do a series of colonics have the opportunity to release pent up emotions and traumas by releasing the areas of the body where they are stored. Feeling stuck or blocked in life is common and physically moving helps us to move through these times.
Colonics are especially important during a detoxification. While the liver is being supported to detoxify, more bile and waste products are being produced for elimination. Colonics help to remove that waste so that it doesn’t irritate the gut or become reabsorbed.
However, there are circumstances and conditions when people should not get colonics (these are contraindications). Our colon hydrotherapist, Amy Letcher, will always check with the client on medical issues and rule out any contraindications.
Some of these conditions are:
- Prolapsed bowel
- Severe hemorrhoids
- Active anal fissures or fistula
- Inflammatory bowel disease in an acute stage: Crohn’s, Ulcerative colitis
- Recent bowel or abdominal surgery
- Perforated bowel
- Abdominal hernia
- Intussusception
- Diverticulitis/diverticuloses
- Renal disease/insufficiency
- Kidney transplant
- Stage ll Hypertension
- Colon, rectal or abdominal cancer
- Cirrhosis
- Congestive Heart Failure
- 1st or 3rd trimester of pregnancy
People with these issues should not get a colonic until the situation has resolved.
SPRING COLON CLEANSE SPECIAL. Get a package of 10 or more colonics and receive a 10% discount. Call us to at 808-365-1000 to make your appointment.
At Your Appointment
When you arrive to your colonic appointment our colon hydrotherapist will have you fill out an intake form and she will talk to you about your goals and reasons for Colonic Therapy. She will also explain to you that our colon hydrotherapy machine is a closed system which has a UV light and zaps any microbes or parasites along with a two stage filtration system. Pure water is very important!
Amy uses disposable speculums and sanitizes the unit between clients including the bathroom area…anything that is touched… door knobs etc….
Amy also offers Foot Reflexology (Ingham method). This technique helps your whole body and relaxes you. If you choose to include a short reflexology session, she will do it first. It is very relaxing and beneficial for the colonic session.
It is not enough to know all about colons and the principles or irrigation. The operator should also be familiar with the art of foot relaxation. – Dr Norman Walker
Colonic Irrigation
You lay on your side on top of a massage table. At the start of the session you will turn to the side and the therapist will help guide the speculum into the rectum. The speculum is connected to an ‘In-flow tube’ (purified water) and an ‘Out-flow tube’ (waste water). After the speculum has been inserted and secured, you turn onto your back. The therapist will explain that the water is warming up and is not entering into but passing by the rectum. The water is administered at body temperature. When the water is at the appropriate temperature, the therapist will slowly begin to fill your colon with water… the therapist will always tell you when she is filling.
This is a very gentle process of filling the colon and of removing fecal material. It is not a vacuum cleaner or full strength garden hose!! The water is entering at a very slow rate… 1 1/2 PSI (pressure per square inch) so you are getting about 1 pint of water flow per minute.
Back to the session… the therapist will say, “I am filling” and when you feel the urge to release….you say, “Release” or if you don’t feel like talking, you can raise your hand. At that point, the therapist will slowly release the water so your bowel can properly contract. This is called peristalsis. Your bowel is a muscle.
The session can be 30-60 minutes depending on your comfort level. Remember, this is a gentle process. The water is entering your bowel to rehydrate, break up impactions, parasites, candida, and old fecal material. One colonic is not going to clear ALL the material out. It will take a series depending on your diet and condition. You cannot command your body to detox but you can give it the tools. Your body decides when it releases.
After several fills and releases, the therapist will ask if you feel ready to do one more fill and release or if you want to finish in the bathroom. You might release more on the commode depending on how much you released during the session.
Probiotic Implant
We also provide optional probiotic implants at the end of the colonic session. This simply refers to a probiotic solution being administered at the end of the session. The goal is to put good flora back into the colon. The colon hydrotherapist will discuss this option with you at your appointment.
That summarizes what goes on during a session. Hopefully we have taken the mystery out of colon hydrotherapy for you! Watch the very informative imbedded video below for further explanation.
Colonics can be done as part of a regular wellness regime or personal cleansing program. Colonics are also an important part of our residential medical detoxification programs and wellness detox program.
Contact us at 808-933-4400 to make an appointment to set up your colon hydrotherapy session.
Watch this Informative Video Explaining Colonics
“For a lot of people, when they hear the word ‘colonic’ they immediately think ‘enema’. And then they cringe. But the truth is, colonics have come a long way since the Greeks and Egyptians folks, and it’s time people got up to speed.” In this video Brenda Watson dispels the myths about colonics and explores the benefits of modern colon hydrotherapy.
Top 10 Strategies to Detox the Body and Liver
/in Detoxification /by Dr. Baylac N.D.Detoxification Medicine
Detoxification medicine is the hallmark of the hygienist movement. It was founded at the turn of the 20th century by doctors such as Herbert Shelton, Max Gerson, Paul Bragg and Norman Walker to name a few. These doctors believed that modern diseases were the result of toxicity and used natural detoxification strategies such as juicing, fasting, exercise, hydrotherapy and coffee enemas to treat and prevent disease.
Unfortunately, this branch of medicine was severely suppressed by the pharmacological interventions and died out until it resurfaced as a branch of medicine 20 years ago. Today detoxification medicine is becoming mainstream. This is brought on by a growing interest in alternative approaches from a public disenchanted with conventional medicine.
Recipes for home protocols such as “The Master Cleanse” or gallbladder and liver flushes flourish on the internet. Detox formulas and products are in high demand and found in the main chain stores selling the very products responsible for the toxic burden of the body. Detoxification medicine is becoming a modality in the practices of cutting edge MDs and NDs alike.
Why Detoxification Makes Sense
First, we live in a toxic world. There is no doubt that the level of pollution attained on the planet has reached alarming levels threatening our health and the environment. Our air, water and soil contain carcinogenic, neurotoxic and genotoxic chemicals that have been implicated in the etiology of the diseases that kill us: heart disease, cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease to name a few.
Second, increased environmental exposure overburdens the innate ability of the liver to detoxify. The liver is the master organ responsible to remove ingested, inhaled or absorbed toxins and toxicants from circulation through phase 1 and 2 detoxification pathways. It does so by transforming these chemicals to a water-soluble form that allows them to be excreted in the urine. With excess toxins, the vitamins, minerals and amino acids necessary to conduct the chemical process of liver detoxification become depleted, detoxification is impaired and the body becomes burdened by a chronic toxic overload.
Third, this chronic toxin overload impairs organ and cell function. A weakened immune system allows parasites, pathogenic bacteria and fungal infections to colonize our digestive tract increasing the toxic burden. We start feeling the diffuse symptoms of an overburdened liver such as fatigue, depression, headaches, lack of clarity and skin rashes as the hepatocyte cells of our liver are destroyed.
It is time to act before the toxic burden evolves to a full-blown disease.
10 Strategies to Detox the Body and Liver
1. Stop Toxic Exposure
Avoid coffee, alcohol, tobacco, pharmaceutical drugs, recreational drugs, processed foods and sodas.
These substances have the effect of stimulating phase 1 liver detoxification but not phase 2. Phase 1 creates more dangerous intermediary metabolites than the original products themselves. If not eliminated via phase 2 detoxification, these intermediates build up in the skin, blood and tissues of our system causing inflammation and disease.
Reduce lung exposure and direct skin absorption by using non toxic building materials, organic household cleaners and personal care products.

2. Keep the Organs of Elimination Open
Use sauna, dry skin brushing and exercise.
The liver is the most important organ which breaks down toxins for elimination. Before stimulating liver detoxification it is important to make sure that the bowels, the kidney, the lungs and the skin are functioning optimally.
The skin is an important organ of elimination. It contains glands that secrete sweat. Sweat eliminates fat-soluble toxins like pesticides, herbicides and other chemicals stored in the subcutaneous fat. The excretory function of the skin can be improved through the use of a FAR Infrared (FIR) Sauna, daily dry skin brushing and avoidance of soap.
The bowels and the kidneys eliminate the water-soluble waste products from digestion. Fat-soluble toxins are more difficult to eliminate and often time are recycled to the liver through the blood, overwhelming the liver and finding their way to subcutaneous fatty tissues and the brain. The excretion function of the bowels and the kidneys can be increased with the consumption of fiber and nutrient rich whole foods, colon hydrotherapy and water. Colon hydrotherapy will stimulate the peristaltic movements, reshape and restore the integrity of the colon and improve its efficiency. Implantation of friendly bacteria following a colonic displaces pathogenic bacteria and fungi for living space in the colon.
The lungs eliminate carbon dioxide and inhaled pollutants. Aerobic exercise such as jogging will increase the excretion capacity of the lungs.
3. Support Proper Digestion
Consume bitter herbs and vegetables. Add digestive enzymes and probiotics.
Bitter herbs and foods are important for digestion and elimination. Bitter herbs stimulate receptors on the tongue that signal the brain to increase the production of digestive enzymes and saliva. Adding dandelion leaves, arugula and mustard leaves to a salad mix at the beginning of a meal will increase appetite and launch an efficient digestive process.
Digestive enzymes are required to break our food down into component molecules that can be readily absorbed through the gut and into our tissues. Stress and old age are associated with lowered digestive enzyme production. Molecules that are too large to be absorbed, sit in the gut and ferment. Fermentation in the gut leads to inflammation and eventually leaky gut syndrome. In leaky gut syndrome, intestinal cells lose their tight junction allowing these larger food particles to escape into the blood. Once in the blood, our immune system recognizes these molecules as foreign invaders and mounts a reaction. Our body becomes constantly inflamed and allergic to many foods. Symptoms of leaky gut syndrome is gas and bloating, cramps, diarrhea, fatigue, food sensitivities and frequent illness.
Probiotics make up the beneficial flora living in our gastrointestinal tract (GI tract). It is estimated that our GI tract contains 8 lbs of bacteria working to digest our food, protect against infection and support a healthy immune system. Antibiotic use, stress and eating processed foods and antibiotic containing foods like farmed fish and the meat from industrially farmed animals are a few ways our healthy colonies are destroyed. Supplementing with probiotics and eating prebiotic foods is part of the second stage of healing the gut, after cleaning up the diet.
4. Support Proper Liver Detoxification Pathways
Use antioxidants and a nutrient rich diet.
An efficient liver detox requires the necessary nutrients to balance out phase 1 and 2 detoxification pathways to avoid recirculation of toxins and ensure that fat-soluble toxins will be transformed into water-soluble compounds for elimination by the kidneys. Antioxidants are also needed to protect from free radical damage by the detoxification intermediates. Dr Baylac recommends the sulfur containing compounds vegetables such as broccoli, kale, cauliflower cabbage, onion and garlic. Dr Baylac is fond of fresh artichoke, turmeric, dandelion root and leaves for their liver regenerative function. In more advanced cases of toxicity it is necessary to supplement with Vitamin C and E, B complex, magnesium, selenium, milk thistle, SAM e, glycine, taurine, methionine and NAC. Glutathione is the body’s most powerful antioxidant with the higest concentration found in the liver cells. It is essential for detoxification and is injected intravenously. Milk Thistle contains sylimarin, a flavonoid anti-oxidant, thought to repair liver cells.
5. Promote Bile Flow
Practice coffee enemas.
Coffee enemas and artichoke leaf extract will increase the amount of bile produced by the liver and therefore will increase the dumping of non- soluble fat toxins in the bile. Coffee enemas will also increase the production of glutathione by the liver. Read about liver detoxification with coffee enemas, here.
6. Treat Bacterial and Viral Infections of the Liver and the Digestive Tract
Candida detox, parasite cleanse, probiotics. Avoid white flour, raw fish and meat.
Poor digestion and toxins ingested with our food compromise the equilibrium of our microbiome. Imbalance in our intestinal flora has been implicated in many illnesses from digestive disorders to neurologic disorders. Chronic Hepatitis B or C, Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), H Pylori, candida overgrowth and pathogenic bacteria must be actively treated.
7. Remove Allergenic Foods
Eliminate dairy, wheat, soy and genetically modified foods.
Dairy products, grains, and in particular wheat have deleterious effect on the intestinal mucosa creating inflammation. With gut permeability, undigested particles will spread into the blood generating an autoimmune response. Glyphosate, more commonly known as Roundup, is sprayed on crops to speed up the harvesting process. Residues of glyphosate has been found on processed sugar, corn, soy and wheat. The effects of glyphosate on the system include but are not limited to: autism, Crohn’s, Colitis, infertility, allergies, Parkinson’s disease, MS, ALS (Lou Gehrig’s), Alzheimer’s, depression and obesity.
8. Remove Heavy Metals and Chemicals
Remove your silver mercury fillings, avoid large fish, vaccination, filter your tap water and chelate heavy metals.
Almost every single person we test at our center for heavy metals is high in lead and mercury. Lead is stored in the bones where it displaces calcium and it is also is implicated in atherosclerosis. Mercury is mostly stored in the brain where it generates neurologic symptoms. Mild exposure can be treated with NDF, cilantro and chlorella while heavy exposure requires chelation with EDTA and DMSA. Chemical exposure is extremely varied due to the high prevalence of chemicals in our food and water supply. Out of thousands chemicals, we are only mentioning glyphosate found in Roundup herbicides and chlorine and bromide found in our water supply. The hypothyroid epidemic can be traced back to the general use of chlorine as a disinfectant in our public water supply.
9. Provide Your Body with a High Nutrient Diet
Juices, non-GMO organic fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts.
Juices concentrate vitamins and minerals and are highly absorbable. Raw organic fruits and vegetables have the fiber to bind toxins and hormone metabolites for excretion plus the nutrients to support radiant health. Seeds are a source of essential fatty acids which are anti-inflammatory to our system (omega-3 in particular), promote good cell communication and mental health. Nuts contain saturated fats which are necessary in all cell membranes and in making hormones.
10. Give Your Digestive System a Rest
Periodic fasting is a powerful method for giving your digestive system a chance to rest and for the body to focus its energy on doing a proper clean up. A fasting program can be a broth fast during colder months, or a juice fast in the summer. It is generally good to try and fast for at least 7 – 10 days, however any period of fasting (even 24 hours) will do wonders for your health. It is extremely important that prolonged fasting be done correctly. Here we are referring to breaking the fast as not to do damage to your digestive system. Read more about fasting HERE.
Detox for Weight Loss. Lifestyle Changes to Keep It Off
/in Detoxification, Lifestyle Medicine /by Dr. Baylac N.D.Obesity and overweight are medical conditions leading to severe chronic illness such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, poor quality of life and premature death. A successful weight loss program includes weight loss and healthy weight maintenance. Weight loss and healthy weight maintenance require a medical holistic approach addressing the causes of weight gain. Weight gain has multiple causes from overeating for emotional reasons, to burning fewer calories than absorbed by lack of physical activities, to being the result of a medical condition or the side effects of pharmaceutical drugs.
Emotional Eating as a Coping Mechanism
The first question one has to reflect upon is the following: Why do I want to lose weight now, while I have been choosing to consistently gain weight for the last years? Where was the person who wants to lose weight now hiding, when I was previously gaining weight for all of these years?
Unraveling and addressing the emotional issues that have fed the hunger for food will be absolutely necessary for permanent weight loss. Often we find a history of trauma, feelings of loneliness or boredom, poorly managed anger, depression, fear of being attractive, and self-hatred to be the underlying mechanisms to emotional eating.
Start by exploring your relationship with food, being honest with yourself and journaling your answers.
Addiction to Processed Foods
Numerous studies have found that food could be as addictive as cocaine. Substances such as sugar, salt or carbohydrates, release dopamine in the brain and generate a feeling of elation. In addition, it is difficult to get satiated with processed foods because these foods are poor in nutrients such as minerals, trace minerals and vitamins that signal the brain to stop eating. These processed foods are high in simple carbohydrates such as white sugar and white flour and trigger an insulin spike in the blood that generates fat storage in the cells. Finding other sources of pleasure is essential to eliminate the addiction to processed foods; these can be sex, exercise, friendship or creative activities.
The following presentation covers some aspects of food addiction and you may find it interesting to view in conjunction with this article.
Sedentary Lifestyle and Lack of Exercise
Human beings are “hard-wired” to be continuously active. Instead, most people spend many hours sitting. They may drive to the office, sit in their office for 8 hours straight, drive back home, grab a quick dinner, sit at a table for dinner and finally sit on a couch to watch TV. Standing up every hour if you work in an office; is essential to keep the body happy and prevent many chronic illnesses. In addition, bicycling or walking can be substituted to the use of a car when possible. Other outdoor social physical activities involving multiple people such as volleyball, tennis, basketball and football all can add another dimension to physical exercise that could help satisfy your need for cooperation.
Hormonal Conditions and Weight Loss Resistance
Diet and exercise forms the basis of any weight loss program, but in some cases diet and exercise may not be giving the expected weight loss results. A few people will be weight loss resistant. That means that they may do all the right things, eat a proper diet and exercise and still not lose weight. Some others may lose one pound a day for a few days then hit a plateau. Some others may have been overweight for a long time or may weigh over 200 pounds and the weight just does not come off. Weight loss resistance calls for medical attention. Hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, heavy metal toxicity and hormonal imbalance are common causes of weight loss resistance.
Stress increases cortisol levels and chronic stress lead to adrenal fatigue and weight gain. Learning how to meditate and how to detach from our thoughts, emotions, or worries is an important step to lower cortisol and manage stress. Stress is an important cause of insomnia, the difficulty to fall asleep or stay asleep throughout the night.
Read the transcript to a great presentation by Dr. Maya Nicole Baylac on The Dynamics of Stress, Anxiety, and Fear in Modern Society and Strategies for Coping.
Poor Sleep
Overeating and having dinner too late, anxiety and stress, surrounded by too much electronic equipment, artificial lights, noisy environment, and being in rooms that are too hot or too cold room can raise our cortisol levels and generate insomnia. Poor sleep has been shown to be related to weight gain. Creating optimum physical and psychological conditions for eight hours of good quality sleep is an important aspect of our weight loss program. Supplements such as 5HTP, GABA, melatonin or herbs such as lavender, melissa or passiflora have beneficial effects on sleep without the adverse side effects of pharmaceutical medications.
Dysbiosis is common in overweight and obese people. Dysbiosis occurs when the pathogenic bacteria, yeast and parasites control the colonic environment to the detriment of beneficial bacteria such as lactobacillus or bifidus bacteria. These bacteria are said to be beneficial because they manufacture vitamins (B and K), proteins and help digestion and immunity. Recent research found that the bacteria lactobacillus gasseri plays a role in maintaining a normal weight. Beneficial bacteria can be destroyed by antibiotics or candida overgrowth caused by overconsumption of sugar. An effective weight loss program includes a stool analysis test that will give us information on the nature of the gut macrobiota. A special diet will include elimination of sugar and inclusion of live foods and fermented foods and beverages. Stress management plays an important role in the maintenance of a healthy gut macrobiota.
Get recipes HERE for making your own fermented foods: sauerkraut, kim chee, rejuvelac, kombucha, etc.
Side Effects of Prescription Drugs
Many prescription drugs cause weight gain: Anti-depressants such as Paxil and Zoloft, anti-histamine, anti-psychotic, beta-blockers anti-hypertensive, diabetes medications, seizure and mood stabilizers such as Depakote and corticosteroids. Naturopathic medicine provides natural alternatives without detrimental side effects.
Toxic Element (Heavy Metal Exposure) Chart
Stool Analysis Info: Comprehensive Stool Analysis with Parasitology x3 (3 stool samples over three days). Some parasites don’t drop waste every day and a test kit with stool samples over several days will have a better chance of showing all the gut bacteria, friendly and unfriendly.
Residential Weight Loss Program – Lifestyle Change for Weight Loss
Toxic Mouth
/in Detoxification /by Dr. Baylac N.D.by Maya Nicole Baylac N.D.
Recommended Daily Dental Care
Avoid toothpaste containing methyl lauryl sulfate, fluoride or baking soda. Fluoride may affect the thyroid in the same way as chlorine does by displacing the iodine atom in the formation of thyroxine, the thyroid hormone.
Baking soda, the common name for sodium bicarbonate is a sodium compound which is prohibited during the Gerson Therapy.
Root Canals
Root canals have shown to weaken the immune system and slow down or even prevent healing from degenerative illnesses. Root canals create a chronic local infection with bacteria that may migrate, much like cancer cells, to other parts of the body and may infect vital organs such as the heart, kidneys, joints, nervous system, brain and eyes. To maximize your chances of success with any detoxification program you should have your root canals removed. Some dentist will try to replace the old material by a new material that is supposed to be less toxic. The issue is not only the toxicity of the material used to fill the dead space but the dead root itself. A bridge is today most healthy way to replace the root canal. Implants are not recommended.
The guidelines for removal of the root canals depend on your current state of health. If you feel weak, we will wait until you feel stronger. If you feel strong we will go ahead and advise to remove the root canal as soon as possible.
Silver Mercury Amalgam Fillings
The Scientific Facts
Mercury is highly toxic heavy metal more so than lead, cadmium or arsenic. Methylmercury and mercury vapors are the most toxic forms. Dental amalgams are approximately 50% mercury. One average size amalgam filling contains about 780 milligrams of mercury, which is enough to exceed the USEPA non-dietary Mercury Intake Standard for over 100 years. Mercury is not locked into the amalgam and exposure increases with chewing, brushing or heat. It takes 90 minutes for the amount released to come back down to the original levels. Mercury vapors enter the cells very easily and penetrate the blood brain barrier and the placental membrane. It takes the body 30 to 70 days to eliminate an average dose inhaled in one day.
Human autopsies have shown that dental amalgam mercury builds up with time.
Studies show that mercury damages the brain and nervous system, the thyroid, pituitary and adrenal glands, the heart and lungs, as well as hormones and enzymes. It is a very potent suppressor of the immune system and is known to damage the brain and nervous system of unborn babies.
Mercury when placed in the teeth generate an electrical current. The health effects of these currents are as yet unknown.
The American Dental Association, OSHA and the EPA, have declared leftover scrap dental amalgam to be a toxic hazard to dental personnel, to the dental office and to the environment. However they do not recognize these amalgam to be a potential health problem when they are lodged in the teeth of individuals. Therefore, dentists and doctors do not take into account the health problems caused by mercury.
Mercury also accumulates in fish. The larger the fish the more mercury it concentrates. Tuna contains the largest amounts.
Symptoms of Mercury Toxicity
Mercury toxicity affects most systems:
Central nervous system –
- Anxiety/Nervousness
- Restlessness
- Emotional instability
- Loss of Memory
- Inability to concentrate
- Insomnia
- Mental Depression
- Manic Depression
- Suicidal Tendencies
- Numbness and tingling of hands, feet, fingers, toes, or lips
- Muscle weakness progressing to paralysis
- Ataxia
- Incoordination
- Tremors/trembling of hands, feet, fingers, toes, lips, eyelids, tongue
- Mercury has been associated with numerous autoimmune diseases in particular multiple sclerosis and ALS a motor neuron disease.
Head, Neck, Oral Cavity Disorders –
- Bleeding gums
- Alveolar bone loss
- Loosening of teeth
- Excessive salivation
- Foul breath
- Metallic taste
- Tissue pigmentation
- Leukoplakia
- Stomatitis
- Ulceration of gengiva palate tongue
- Dizziness/acute, chronic vertigo
- Ringing in the ears
- Hearing difficulties, speech and visual impairment
- Glaucoma
Gastrointestinal effects –
- Food sensitivities, especially to milk and eggs
- Abdominal cramps
- Colitis, diverticulitis, or other G.I. complaints
- Chronic diarrhea/constipation
- Kills beneficial intestinal bacteria
Cardiovascular effects –
- Abnormal heart rhythm
- Unexplained elevated serum triglyceride, unexplained elevated cholesterol
- Abnormal blood pressure, either high or low
Immunological –
- Repeated infections
- Viral and fungal infections
- Candida and other yeast infections
- Microbacterial infections
- Cancer
- Autoimmune disorders
- Arthritis
- Lupus Erythematous (LE)
- Multiple sclerosis (MS)
- Scleroderma
- Amytrophic Lateral Sclerosis
- Hypothyroidism
Systemic effects –
- Chronic headaches
- Allergies
- Severe dermatitis
- Subnormal body temperature
- Cold clammy skin in particular feet and hands
- Excessive perspiration with frequent night sweats
- Unexplained anemia
- Chronic kidney disease
- Nephrotic syndrome
- Kidney infection
- Adrenal disease
- General fatigue
- Loss of appetite with or without weight loss
- Loss of weight
- Hypoglycemia
- B vitamin deficiencies
From “The IV-C Mercury Detox Program, Guide for the patient” a companion book to “Chronic Mercury Toxicity New Hope Against an Endemic Disease” by Sam Queen and Betty A. Queen
Silver Amalgam Mercury Fillings Removal
It is important to remove these amalgams. However, it has been shown that mercury toxicity increases at the moment of removal Therefore, it is recommended to remove the amalgams when you are feeling strong. To avoid toxic overload, only remove one or two at the same time.
To accelerate elimination of mercury from the tissues chelation may be performed.
Dental work is done under local anesthesia by the means of a painkiller such as xylocaine compounded with epinephrine. The usual dose of 2 cc is very toxic and unnecessary for someone with a clean and sensitive system.
The guideline consist of using only 1/3 of the average dose and no epinephrine
To help with the elimination of the toxic material it is recommended to take 5000 mg of vitamin C daily for a period of 5 days preceding the anesthesia and during the treatment.
Resources for information about Mercury Amalgam Dental Fillings
Dentistry Without Mercury, Ziff & Ziff *
Toxic Teeth, Murray Vimy,DMD $10
Silver Dental Fillings- The Time Bomb. Ziff *
Dental Mercury Detox, Ziff &Ziff, &Hanson *
Solving the puzzle of Mystery Syndromes, Are Your Amalgam Fillings The Missing Piece? (Case history and information) *
Uninformed Consent: The Hidden Dangers in Dental Care, Hal Huggins, DDS& Thomas E. levy, MD (Recommended) *
Health and Heart Disease, Ziff & Ziff
Missing Link? A Persuasive New Look at Heart Disease as it relates to Mercury, Ziff & Ziff
Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, Weston Price, DDS **
Nourishing Traditions, Sally Fallon **
*Available from Bio-Probe 800 282 0670
**Available from Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation 800 366 3748
amalgam.org (DAMS and Consumers for Dental Choice)
dams.cc (DAMS Intl.)
toxicteeth.net (Legislation and litigation)
IAOMT.org (International Academy of Oral Medicine &toxicology)
vimy-dentistry.com (Dr. Vimy web’s page)
hugnet.com (Hal Huggins website)
DAMS (Dental Amalgams Mercury Syndrome) 800 311 6265
DAMS is a support group of dental mercury victims and volunteers who feel a strong obligation to inform fellow citizens of the health hazards associated with amalgam fillings. Call for free introductory basic information packet on non-toxic dentistry, list of practitioners in your state familiar with non toxic dentistry, book list. Membership and journal $15 and $25
AAEM (American Academy of Environmental Medicine) 316 684 5500
7701 East Kellogg, Suite 625, Wichita, Kansas, 67207, www.AAEM.com
IAOMT (International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology) 407 298 2450 PO Box 608531, Orlando, FL. 32860-8531
Membership and quaterly journal $35. Information on nutrition, dental issues, natural healing, environmental issues and more.
Membership and quarterly journal $40
Huggins, DDS, 719 522 0566. www.hugnet.com
Energy Performance, 800 331 2303
Clifford Consulting and Research, 719 550 008 (Dental Material Compatibility Testing)