Covid-19 - Last Call for Change! podcast episode talking about how to make the most of stay at home and improve your health and immunity

Ep #027: Covid-19 – Last Call for Change!

We’re back with another episode, adjusting as needed to our changing environment. In this episode we have a candid conversation about the challenges that we’ve identified as a result of the COVID-19 ‘stay at home’ policies. We’re all in this together, and we’re discussing some of the good and bad results that have been created […]

Podcast Coronavirus and what we need to know about it with Dr. Maya Nicole Baylac

Ep #026: Coronavirus & What We Need to Know About It

This is a special episode, based on current events surrounding the novel coronavirus. Dr. Baylac addresses what the particulars are around the covid-19 pandemic and what we can do to boost our immune systems in an effort to better prepare ourselves for this new wave of influenza-type sicknesses. Tune in to join the conversation about […]

The Gerson Therapy as a natural cancer treatment with Dr. Maya Nicole Baylac

Ep #025: Gerson Therapy as a Natural Cancer Treatment

Cancer and other degenerative diseases have traditionally been treated with western techniques such as chemo and radiation therapies, however as far back as the early 1900’s a man named Dr. Max Gerson was successfully treating these conditions with natural means.  In this episode, Dr. Baylac and Ian talk about her experience in using the Gerson […]

the link between disordered eating and obesity a podcast episode for national eating disorders awareness week

Ep #024: Disordered Eating & Obesity

In the spirit of National Eating Disorder Awareness week, today’s episode is about disordered eating and obesity and exploring the relationship between the two. When food becomes s a substance of abuse in the same way cocaine is, the relationship with food must be restored along with the natural feeding and resting cycles of the […]

What causes eating disorders. An article that look into the intricate web of factors that causes eating disorders.

What Causes Eating Disorders?

Eating disorders like bulimia, binge-eating disorder, anorexia and other disordered eating behaviors are very complex disorders that involve an intersection of cultural, psychological, interpersonal, family and physical factors. In the last two decades there’s been a sharp increase in the prevalence of eating disorders as well as a demographic shift to include more of the […]