Depression, Anxiety, Panic Attack and the Smothering of the Life Force

The natural life force expresses itself in the body and the mind through pleasure, happiness and well-being. Physical, intellectual and sexual pleasure, a feeling of serenity, joy, spontaneity, trust and connection with the environment are all characteristics of a successful inheritance from nature adapted to life. However, this gift may be spoiled. More and more […]

Natural Treatment of Type II Diabetes

Diabetes is defined as a chronic disease when there are high levels of sugar in the blood. The three major types of Diabetes are Type 1, Type 2 and Gestational Diabetes. Type 2 Diabetes makes up most of the cases and it is diagnosed with a fasting blood sugar level higher than 126 mg/dl measured […]

Acupuncture for Addiction

We are happy to announce that we offer acupuncture as an elective treatment to control cravings in nicotine, drug and alcohol withdrawal. We suggest that you take 2 sessions a week at the beginning or as needed. This is what our acupuncturist Laura Powels says about the role of acupuncture in addiction recovery: Acupuncture helps […]

About Water

Water Facts Water, being the most abundant component of our body, is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. Water comprises between 50-70% of an adult’s body (up to 90lbs in a 130lb adult!). When water is taken out of our diet our survival time is 2-3 days at best so we have to make […]

Massage Therapy

We often recommend massage for physical as well as mental illnesses. It is an optional treatment available at our clinic. Massage is one of the oldest healing arts: Chinese records dating back 3,000 years document its use; the ancient Hindus, Persians and Egyptians applied forms of massage for many ailments; and Hippocrates wrote papers recommending […]