Coping With Cancer: What To Do If You Are Diagnosed With Cancer

Hearing a diagnosis of cancer can be perceived as a death sentence. Often the doctor accompanies his verdict with a date. Fear and panic sets in. Some patients fulfill their doctor’s prophecy and die timely. Others decide their time has not come and want to live. For those who decide that life has something to […]

Come and Talk Detox with Us on Oct 7th!

Join us for a raw food potluck and special event about detoxing. Come to the Pono Place on Kilauea ave, Sunday Oct 7th. The event starts at 4pm until 7pm. We will have two speakers: Dr. Maya Nicole Baylac will educate us on why we should detox and toxicity and chronic illness. Big Island noni […]

Toxin Removal with Exercise and Sauna

Toxin removal via green juice fast, water fast, sauna & exercise The methods for toxin-removal, in cases of very high toxicity, that we prefer at Hawaii Naturopathic Retreat Center, are: green juice fast/diet water fasting exercise FIR sauna The method that forms the basis for success is a green juice diet, or the “green juice […]

Toxins – What Are They?

What is a Toxin? Dorland’s medical dictionary defines a toxin as a poison. Dorland medical dictionary further defines a poison as “any substance which, when relatively small amounts are ingested, inhaled, or absorbed, or applied to, injected into, or developed within the body, has chemical action that may cause damage to structure or disturbance of […]

Gerson Protocol: The Role of Protein, Carbohydrates and Fats

What’s So Different About the Gerson Diet? People often comment that the Gerson diet is similar to many other nutritional approaches. It may be similar, but it is not the same. The macrobiotic approach, for example, recommends cooked foods almost exclusively and is high in sodium. Another dietary approach recommends large quantities of nuts and […]