The Vital Stroke. Aging and Vitality

I was savoring some well-deserved pupus on the ocean front lanai of the Royal Kona hotel this Saturday afternoon after the 18 miles Liliuokali race, watching the ocean and waiting for the first iron kane canoes to appear on the horizon. I could not believe my eyes but the water sprinkled with dots, two or […]

Key Lime Pie (Raw/Vegan)

by Chef Ian Grove Ingredients: Crust 2-3 dates 1/2 cup pecans 1/2 cup walnuts 1/2 cup hazelnuts Filling 1 large avocado (or 2 small) Juice of 3 limes 1-2 tbs honey, or preferred raw sweetener 2 tbs coco butter or oil Zest of one lime to taste Topping 1/2 large cherimoya or sub 2 super […]

Sunflower Seed Hummus Recipe and Dip

Raw Sunflower Seed Hummus

by Chef Lisa McMillon Ingredients: 1 cup soaked sunflower seeds* 1/2 cup grated zucchini 1/2 tsp honey 1 tbs lemon juice 1 small clove of garlic 1 tbs of cilantro 1/8 tsp of chili powder 1/4 to 3/4 cup of water or coconut water herbs or cumin to flavor pate/hummus** METHOD Blend all the ingredients […]

Dr. Maya Nicole Baylac on Juicers and Juicing

Juices on the Gerson Therapy are a critical aspect of the regimen providing most of the vitamins, minerals, enzymes, phytochemicals and other nutrients essential to healing along with adequate fluid intake. We are often asked why patients cannot simply eat the foods instead of making them into juices, as there is no fiber content to […]

Be Inspired this Halloween

Research shows that although there are several reasons why people begin to use alcohol and drugs, boredom is one of the most popular reasons why people engage in drug and alcohol use. According to Dr. Maya Nicole Baylac our programs director and natural drug rehabilitation counselor and therapist, “boredom is one of the slippery paths […]