Female Hormone Balancing with Nutrition [Infographic]

Menstrual cycles are governed by a group of hormones which ebb and flow at different times during the cycle. Subtle manipulations of diet and choosing different food groups at different times of the month can assist the body in achieving a natural and more harmonious cycle. One such food group that can ease and support […]

An Unexpected Cure For The Gut! How Number 2 Can Help You

This new cure for the gut is not actually so new. The treatment has been used as an effective treatment for Clostridium difficile (c. diff), an infectious bacteria that causes severe diarrhea in over half a million people a year in the US. In the past, this treatment has been reserved as a last resort […]

Seed Cycling Snack Balls

Menstrual cycles are governed by a group of hormones which ebb and flow at different times during the cycle. Subtle manipulations of diet and choosing different food groups at different times of the month can assist the body in achieving a natural and more harmonious cycle. There are two main phases of the menstruation cycle: […]

Food Is Medicine Cooking Class – Series I

Schedule For Cooking Classes In Hawaii Food is Medicine Cooking Class, Series I is a seven class series that will walk the student through the basic principles of nutrition and choosing ingredients and produce. It teaches options for purchasing foods and includes a practical shopping experience at the farmers market in Hilo. Learn how to […]

Do you suffer from a medical condition? Are you stuck in your life and looking for a transformation? [Infographic]