Juice fast detox retreat South-Kona Hawaii


SPECIAL SPRING CLEANSE 2024 HILO/KONA HI When you take less than 1200 calories per day your body pulls on its toxin laden fat reserves to produce energy. While fat is recycled and used in this energy production process, toxins are discarded and eliminated through the kidneys liver and skin. Toxin accumulation is one of the […]

EP #042: The Nine Pillars of Wellness

The Nine Pillars of Wellness Wellness is the fulfillment and enhancement of human vital needs for air, water, food, movement, sleep, happiness, community, sex and spirituality. Needs can be defined as a hormone-controlled drive rewarded by pleasure to perform a behavior necessary to the survival of the individual or the species. Maximizing the satisfaction of […]

EP #041: Natural Living

Toss Your Pharmaceutical Drugs and Adopt a Natural Lifestyle No matter how long you have been taking drugs or for what reason, it is never too late to quit them. Some drugs, like insulin or thyroid medications, are life-saving and may be reduced to a lesser dosage, but many common drugs for high blood pressure, […]

Episode 40 The Stress Of The COVID-19 Pandemic & Unhappiness - Alive & Well Into Your 100s Podcast Dr. Maya Baylac

Ep #040: The Stress Of The COVID-19 Pandemic & Unhappiness

The coronavirus pandemic has created health and wellness problems beyond just the virus infecting people.  Some people have not fared well with the social challenges the pandemic brought. Maladaptive coping mechanism like overeating and indulging in unhealthy foods have been a struggle for many. Those with addictive behaviors and substance abuse problems have also been […]

Alive & Well Into Your Hundreds Podcast Episode #39: Unconditional Love

Ep #039: Unconditional Love

Unconditional love is a term that has a diverse social meaning.  At its foundation it resembles the absolute bond between mother and child at birth. However, not all people receive unconditional love from the mother as a child. Lacking the safety of the bond between the primary caregiver and child can lead to unforeseen problems […]