6 Healthy Habits for Optimal Immune Function

1. Healthy, Whole Foods Diet A diet high in vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts, grains and fresh herbs is the best way to promote a healthy immune system. The vitamins and minerals in a whole foods diet support the immune reactions that are necessary to keep our bodies protected from pathogens but not become over reactive. […]

Presentation By Dr. Shanhong Lu MD, PhD Fri, Jan 23rd, Hilo

International Health and Wellness Expert Dr. Shanhong Lu MD, PhD is Giving an Empowering Presentation this Friday, Jan 23rd at 2PM TOXINS AND STRESS: Two Inconvenient Truths That Cause us to Be Sick, Tired and Overweight Location: 239 Haili St. Hilo, HI 96720 When: 2:00PM, Friday 23 January 2015 For more information or to RSVP, […]

Detox for Weight Loss. Lifestyle Changes to Keep It Off

Obesity and overweight are medical conditions leading to severe chronic illness such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, poor quality of life and premature death. A successful weight loss program includes weight loss and healthy weight maintenance. Weight loss and healthy weight maintenance require a medical holistic approach addressing the causes of weight gain. […]

Raw Celery Root Soup

Celery root is also known as celeriac and celery knob. It has leaves that resemble familiar celery stalks, which are attached to a light colored tuber that grows underground. Celery root imparts the taste and aroma of celery to recipes it’s used in. However, unlike common celery, celeriac is a vegetable in the carrot family, […]

Extending Life, Preventing Chronic Illness

Many people think they do not want to live until their 100’s, because they envision a life of dysfunctional old age, restricted mobility, poor sensory function and corrupted brain capacities. However, centenarian studies show that people who live the longest are also the healthiest. Centenarians have less cancer and cardiovascular disease and if they do, […]