Sesame Seed Milk

Sesame seed milk can easily be made from raw sesame seeds. Sesame seeds are a great source of protein, essential fatty acids, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, zinc and some of the B vitamins. Sesame seeds are considered to be the oldest oilseed crop known to humanity. Most sesame species grow in the wild and […]

8 Easy Lifestyle Changes for Insulin Resistance and Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes is a Not a Chronic Illness. It Is a Curable Disease!! Type 2 Diabetes is caused by insulin resistance. Insulin is a hormone secreted by the beta cells of the pancreas into the bloodstream in response to the ingestion of food. Insulin transports glucose in the blood to the cells of the body where […]

Compassion = I See You As a Part of Me

Compassion = I see you as a part of me. I know like me, you too are not perfect. Yet, like me you too are are fully deserving of existence. Like me, you too are fully deserving of love and kindness. Like me, you too need forgiveness and acceptance. Like me, you too deserve to […]

Eating Organic. Why Bother?

By choosing organic foods, you are choosing to bring more health into your life. Eating organic foods helps to build immunity, increase strength and promotes recovery from chronic conditions. While organic food is mainstream now and can be found in nearly all grocery and health food stores, visiting Farmer’s Markets is one of the best […]

Raw Sweet Potato Mushroom Burgers

Diabetes Friendly, Blood Sugar Regulating Ingredients: 1 Large Clove of Garlic 1 Small Sweet Potato, Cut Into Chunks 8 oz Mushrooms, Finely Chopped ½ Cup Red Onion, Chopped ½ Cup Pumpkin Seeds Ground Into Flour Some Nutritional Yeast or Miso 1 Tbs Dried Sage 1 Tbs Rosemary (Fresh, Chopped Fine) Black Pepper For Serving Topings: […]