7 Actions Pre-Diabetics Can Take To Avoid Type 2 Diabetes

Pre-diabetes, insulin resistance, impaired glucose tolerance and impaired fasting glucose are all warning signs that a change in lifestyle and nutrition needs to happen in a person’s life! If individuals continue with the same nutritional habits and lifestyle after any of the above risk factors have been identified, it is inevitable that these individuals will […]

10 Lifestyle Choices for Breast Health

We have joined forces with so many others by changing our attitude from “Breast Cancer Awareness” to “Breast Health Awareness”. Prevention is key and we must be vigilant in living healthy lifestyles that promote optimal health. The good news is that the majority of breast health practices are also practices that contribute to good health […]

Colonics Explained. A Clean Colon Is Key to Vibrant Health!

Are you too afraid to make a colonic appointment? This article will explain how it’s done and what to expect. What Exactly Is Colonics? Colonics also known as colon hydrotherapy or colon irrigation is a procedure where water is administered into the colon. The water is administered with the objective of washing or cleaning the […]

Top 10 Strategies to Detox the Body and Liver

Detoxification Medicine Detoxification medicine is the hallmark of the hygienist movement. It was founded at the turn of the 20th century by doctors such as Herbert Shelton, Max Gerson, Paul Bragg and Norman Walker to name a few. These doctors believed that modern diseases were the result of toxicity and used natural detoxification strategies such […]

Sesame Seed Milk

Sesame seed milk can easily be made from raw sesame seeds. Sesame seeds are a great source of protein, essential fatty acids, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, zinc and some of the B vitamins. Sesame seeds are considered to be the oldest oilseed crop known to humanity. Most sesame species grow in the wild and […]