Maya Nicole Baylac N.D.
Licensed Naturopathic Doctor
Gerson Therapy Practisioner
Reichian Breathwork Therapist
Stress Reduction Management
Mindfulness Counselor
Energetic/Mind/Body/Spirit Medicine
Professional Experience and Training
2013 Creation of Aloha Wellness Center (Naturopathic Clinic, Inn, Cafe and Community Center) in Hilo, The Big Island, Hawaii
2003 Creation of “Hawai’i Naturopathic Retreat Center Inc.” on The Big Island, Hawaii
2001 – 2002 Intern at the Arcadia Health Clinic (Hygienic Fasting Clinic), Arcadia, Australia Duties: Supervision of patients undergoing water fasts for periods of 1 to 5 weeks, planning special diets and exercise programs following the fast. Gerson therapy training, a nutritional program for cancer and degenerative diseases
1997 – 2001 Studies & training at NCNM, see below
1985 – 1997 Manager and Director of A Healing Touch Massage Center, Anchorage, Alaska, USA Duties: Therapeutic massage, counseling, breath work, laughter therapy, meditation
1981 – 1985 Director of the Growth Center of Trimurti in Cogolin and Prem Sangeet in Lauzerte, France Duties: Administration of the center, organization of workshops, running of personal tantra and meditation groups
1980 – 1981 Trainee at the Bhagwan Shree Rajnesh Ashram, Poona, India Meditation, breath work, group therapies Therapy training courses, Berkeley, California, USA Reichian Therapy with Phil Curcurudo and Ed Jackson Gestalt Therapy and Bioenergetics with Virginia Trimble
1972 – 1980 Psychotherapist in Toulouse, France and California, USA Methods used: individual Reichian therapy, group therapy using Bioenergetics, Gestalt Therapy, music, yoga, chanting and movement.
1969 – 1971 Marketing and Research Manager, and Co-owner of Cabinet d’Etudes Kleman-Baylac (Consultancy Firm), Paris, France Duties: Consultancy on marketing strategies, advertisements, and new products promotions
1966 – 1969 Marketing and Research Manager at the Institut de Recherches Economiques et Commerciales Appliquées (Business and Marketing Research Institute) specialized in socio-economical studies of housing projects, Paris, France Duties: Management of a research team, contract management and business development
1997 – 2001 National College of Naturopathic Medicine, Portland, Oregon, USA Naturopathic Medicine Doctorate (Study of homeopathy, naturopathic manipulations, nutrition, minor surgery, botanical medicine, pharmacology, hydrotherapy) Dr. of Naturopathic Medicine
1994 – 1997 University of Anchorage, Alaska, USA Premedical study
1966 Institute of Psychology, Paris, France Diplôme de Psychologie Sociale (Social Psychology Diploma)
1965 University of Toulouse, France Licence (Bachelor of Arts) in Psychology
Speaking Engagements
2014 – International Congress on Naturopathic Medicine (ICNM), Paris: Anxiety: A Naturopathic Psychiatric Approach.
2014 – The Peak Experience. Brian Buffini Company. Special Guests. Anxiety, Stress and Lifestyle Changes.
2013 – International Congress on Naturopathic Medicine (ICNM), Paris: Psychology, Spirituality and Lifestyle Changes in Naturopathic Medicine. View powerpoint presentation here.
Continuing Education and Training
International Congress on Naturopathic Medicine, Paris 2014
ACAM – The Fall 2013 Education Summit, Palm Springs
Basic Chelation Workshop
International Congress on Naturopathic Medicine, Paris 2013
ACAM – The Spring 2013 Education Summit, Fort Lauderdale
Professional Memberships
American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP)
American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM)
Oncology Association of Naturopathic Physicians (OncANP)
International Natural Hygiene Society (INHS)
Books and Published Works
A Gerson Diet Cookbook, 2012, Hawaii Naturopathic Retreat Center.