• 36 Hour Water Fast

    Reset Your System With an Introduction to Fasting

    36 Hour Water Fast 36 Hour Fasting Protocol At Home

36 Hour Water Fast at Home Protocol

Give Your Body & Mind a Complete Rest for 36 Hours

  • Have you always wanted to try a water fast, but you’ve yet to act on it?

  • Are you wanting to fast, but you’re afraid that you won’t be able to go without food?

  • Have you intermittently fasted and would like to progress to a longer fast that you could incorporate into your weekly, bi-weekly or monthly health routine?

  • Would you like to give your body and mind a complete rest for 36 hours and observe what creating a space of non-doing brings into your life?

  • Do you long for a day of complete rest that’s just for you to rest, reflect and practice self-care?

The 36 hour water fast at home protocol serves as an introduction to water fasting

How It Works

  • Supervised Fast

    This at-home fast is supervised by a doctor.

  • Health History Evaluation

    A health history questionnaire is completed to apply for the program.

  • Consultation

    An doctor’s consultation occurs before the fast. Labs may be ordered by the supervising physician.

  • Doctor’s Visits

    A telemedicine doctor’s visit occurs during the fast + a quick check in visit the day you break the fast.

  • Program Cost

    $295 all-inclusive

36 Hour Schedule


    Stop eating food and drinking beverages other than water


    You’ve fasted overnight for 12 hours. Your daytime fast begins.

  • Doctor’s Visit

    Doctor’s visit will occur at a scheduled time.

  • The Next Morning - 8AM

    You’ve fasted for another 24 hours and completed the 36 hour fast. You can now break the fast with the food reintroduction instructions you had been given.

  • Quick Doctor’s Check In

    Quick Telemedicine Doctor Check-In.

Upgrade your water with the  High Tech Health Water Ionizer! It will create extremely clean water, make minerals bio-available, adjust pH, and even produces highly beneficial molecular hydrogen gas! Give them a call at  1-800-794-5355  to learn more and mention the Hawaii Naturopathic Retreat Center to get a great discount!

Questions? Ready to Book Your Fast?

CALL (808) 933-4400

Supporting modalities and handouts included in your 36 hour water fasting at home protocol

  • Detoxing Your House & Kitchen
  • Grocery Shopping Guide
  • Healthy Food Preparation
  • Elimination Diet for Longer Term Refeeding

What Results Can You Expect?

  • Emerge from this 36 hour fast with more clarity.

  • Gain new confidence in your ability to go without food and to consider planning a longer fast in future.

  • Have an experience of fasting that may motivate you to to incorporate fasting into your health routine moving forwards. Research shows that intermittent fasting, regular short fasts like this 36 hour fast improves insulin sensitivity and helps with reversal of chronic illness.

  • You may feel motivated to eat healthier or to take on a metabolic detoxification program for a few weeks to help your body get rid of toxins.

  • Learn a full range of wellness modalities that you can incorporate into your health and self-care routine.

Why wait? Help is a phone call away… Just call: 808-933-4400

Water Fasting Results

In the beginning of 2008, I did a twenty-one day fast and silent meditation retreat, plus six days of raw food. I devoted a total of one month to the process. The fast was comprised of seven days on green juice, seven days on water, and seven days on a variety of juices. It was a spiritual fast and general regeneration of body, mind & soul. It was the most challenging and most rewarding experience I have ever had. I went into deeply transformative spaces in body and psyche.

*Individual results may vary

After I had asthma attacks that led to a serious case of bronchitis, I decided to register at the Hawaii Naturopathic Retreat Center to undergo a supervised water fast. I had experienced an increase in frequency and severity of asthma symptoms in the months leading up to that point, even though I had been on prescribed medications during the few years since the asthma started. In addition, I had chronic sinusitis for many years that required me to always keep with me something with which I could blow my nose. I also had chronic eczema, which was especially bad on my heels.

Kurt Lloyd2008
*Individual results may vary

Looking back, I remember the fast as having been a great experience. I intend to fast again for a shorter period of time in around two years time. Being under such good care as I have been, I would recommend it to any person suffering from any ailment or disease that can be successfully treated through a fast. I have myself benefited greatly from the fast in many ways: even though my anti-bodies have not totally disappeared yet, their level is very low if not normal; I feel much better physically (my Yoga practice has greatly improved – especially my flexibility) and I am seven months pregnant! (fasted for infertility as well as immune disorder)

*Individual results may vary

My forty-nine day detoxification & rejuvenation (thirty-one days on pure water; eighteen on restricted coconut water and pure water)…. There is no real way to describe a fast. Herman Hesse said that the lives of men of action are interesting to relate, but dull to live, while the lives of wasters, idlers and dreamers make terribly drab reading, but for their owners are brimming with unparalleled experiences of inspiration, hope and beauty. Fasting is just like that. Each day was so amazingly different from the previous, so stock full of wonders, but each, in essence, consisted of lying down, drinking water, going to the toilet and sleeping.

*Individual results may vary