The Entrepreneur and Personal Growth
What Does Money Have To Do With Spirituality You May Ask?
Isn’t it true that all spiritual masters request that you leave material values behind prior to embarking on the spiritual path? Isn’t the relinquishment of success, money and power the prerequisite to enlightenment?
What would Buddha do today if he was a working class guy making it from one paycheck to the next? If you have only known attachment to the material world, it would make it (the material world) the obvious culprit to reject to find the truth.
However, today it is not necessary to reject the social world to find a spiritual path and this view of spirituality is outdated. What is the impact of monastery life on the direction of the world?
Modern living needs a new type of spiritual engagement that impacts individuals in their daily lives. There is enormous value in finding purpose in partaking in the social world and be a happy human being through a professional life with meaning and purpose.
Work is not about getting a job to have money to pay bills. No, instead work is the expression of the higher needs of human beings.
In the distant past work was about contributing to the immediate community: growing food, grinding flour, making shoes, and clothing. Work was developing a creative activity useful to everyone. Work had the purpose of serving the needs of the community. With the collapse of communities following industrialization, work became motivated by the search for financial security. In this process, work lost its devotional dimension and in people’s search for meaning, people found that work could be motivated by service to a higher purpose. The causes that people found meaningful are countless.
Stepping Out of the Corporate World
Because the majority of jobs created by the corporate world do not offer this higher purpose, people found it is necessary to step out of this world and create their own business. Stepping out of the corporate world and letting go of the “job security” mentality takes courage. It takes detachment from the fear of lack to take this first step. It takes trust in life and self confidence. It takes spirit to take a chance to start your own business.
Personal Growth and Business Growth
Once you have established your company it needs to grow. It will grow as long as you are growing and you will grow as long as your company will be growing. Your company is the reflection of you and vice versa. Success is not only measured financially. It is measured by the beauty you spread around you, how many people you inspire in the world and how much goodness you bring to the planet. What is your contribution to the well-being of others? Growing your company means expanding your consciousness and expanding your monetary growth. Money powered by good intentions can create the beautiful world that we all dream of and the manifestation in our daily life of the playful and happy vision that everyone brings with them at birth.
Written by Dr. Maya Nicole Baylac