Recipe for making a delicious, healthy colada drink from fresh pineapple, chia seeds and coconut milk.

Chia Colada


  • 1 cup of chopped fresh pineapple
  • 2 tbsp chia seeds soaked / sprouted***
  • fresh coconut water if available, otherwise water (see method below)
  • 1 tbsp raw coconut nectar (optional)


Place the pineapples and soaked chia seeds in a blender and then cover with coconut water or water up to about one inch above the fruit and seeds. Blend until desired consistency. Enjoy!

*** Soak chia seeds in ratio of 1/3 seeds and 2/3 water for thirty minutes to activate phytase (enzyme). Phytase metabolizes phytic acid which is necessary to make the chia seeds more digestible and to make the nutrients more bio-available. If the phytic acid is not metabolized it can bind with minerals in the small intestine and prevent absorption. This is true with all seeds and nuts. Always activate them before using them. Observe appropriate soaking times for different nuts and seeds.

Chia Colada

Chia Colada